

Objectives: At the end of the course, students will have achieved: - Become familiar with the discipline of marketing and be able to analyze, plan and implement their strategies. - Understand and apply some of the main marketing concepts, such as market analysis, segmentation, product life cycle analysis, etc. - Learn the necessary skills for decision making in marketing. During the course, the participants will develop the necessary skills to analyze the business environment in which the company operates, to determine what are the opportunities and problems that the organization must face, in order to be able to carry out alternative marketing strategies, select the most appropriate and transform them into operational plans. Therefore, at the end of the course, the par1cipants should have learned the fundamentals of marke1ng, be able to analyze a market problem and understand, discuss, and define marke1ng strategies.
1. Introduction to the course;
2. Market orientation;
\li284 3. Market and micro segmentation;
4. Customer loyalty;
5. Attractiveness analysis;
6. Competitiveness analysis;
7. Portfolio analysis;
8. Growth strategies;
9. Strategic marketing plan;
Methodology: In “Marke1ng Strategy” the students assume a very ac1ve role in carrying out the course, both individually and as a group. In fact, the ac1ve par1cipa1on of the student is very important and is part of the individual final grade. The students, divided into work groups, must analyze and present to the classmates the different exis1ng situa1ons of the Catholic Church around the world and provide real examples for each of them. Always divided into groups, students will have to propose new projects and develop their strategic marke1ng plans. For this reason, the course is based on the concept of "learning by doing", with the professor taking the role of moderator, guide, and trainer. Several real case studies will also be analyzed in class, which students must read and prepare beforehand. The tes1mony of some guest speakers is also planned. The par1cipa1on of these guests will take place virtually.

Means of evaluation: 30% of the final mark evaluates the individual and group par1cipa1on of the students. The remaining 70% evaluates the result of an individual wriaen exam on theore1cal aspects presented and discussed in class.


  • Semestre: 2° Semestre
  • ECTS: 4



Orario lezioni/Aula

Semestre Giorno Dalle Alle Aula Piano Palazzo Note
2° Semestre 0.00 0.00 TBD 0 Dal 19 al 29 febbraio 2024


  • Lambin. J-J, Schuiling I; “Market Driven Management: Strategic and Operational Marketing” 3rd edition, Palgrave McMillan (2012). Professor slides and case studies.


Data Orario Aula Tipo esame da lettera a lettera Note
26 giu 2024 MATTINA 9 - 11 F111 Orale A Z