Henri De Lubac Award 2021

On 4 May last, the jury of the Henri de Lubac Award, organised and sponsored by the French Embassy to the Holy See, met to award a doctoral work in French and a doctoral work in a foreign language defended at one of the Roman Pontifical Universities.

The award in French was awarded to Rev. Biasgiu Santu Virgitti (Faculty of Theology, Pontifical Gregorian University) for his doctoral dissertation Le récit de Jonas dans la Liturgie latine. Lecture liturgique des textes bibliques de la Feria quarta, hebdomada prima in Quadragesima, moderated by Rev. Renato De Zan.

The same jury awarded the award in foreign language, ex aequo, to Rev. Davide Lees (Faculty of Theology, Pontifical Gregorian University) for his doctoral dissertation Il peccato nella teologia di Ireneo di Lione. Uno studio analitico-sistematico, moderated by Fr Joseph Carola, S.J.

The jury also welcomes the support given by the foundation “Pieux Établissements de la France à Rome et à Lorette” to Sister Mamakatine Mary Lembo (Institute of Psicology, Pontifical Gregorian University) recognising the relevance and actuality of the topic addressed in the doctoral dissertation Relations pastorales matures et saines: Maturité affective et sexuelle pour une collaboration entre prêtres et femmes consacrées, témoignage pour le Règne de Dieu, moderated by Prof. ssa Karline Juliana Demasure.

The Henri de Lubac Award will be awarded in a solemn ceremony before the end of the year, which will be co-chaired by Cardinal Paul Poupard and Elisabeth Beton-Delègue, French Ambassador to the Holy See.

