What is the relationship between science and faith? The whole covid-19 pandemic has been interpreted only with the standards of science, and government decisions have been taken on the basis of reasons provided by technical-scientific committees. The reasons of faith - which had been decisive in dealing with the great epidemics of the past - were not relevant.
The Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical Gregorian University launched the course Theology at the trial of covid-19. Dialogues with science to encourage a frank and unprejudiced dialogue between science and the "science of faith". In this dramatic time, the great questions about God, time, life, man and the Church have re-emerged. Why the mystery of evil? Why this suffering? How does God act in history? What hope does the Christian community proclaim? How to build the community of men and women between selfishness and the common good? The course will address these questions through a comparison between a famous virologist, Dr. Ernesto Burgio, and a group of specialists in the study areas of theology: biblical theology, patristic theology, fundamental theology, dogmatic theology, moral theology. "Science and theology choose to confront each other", explains Fr. Dario Vitali, course coordinator and director of the Gregorian Department of Dogmatic Theology, "knowing that they have to learn from each other's listening”.
The course consists of 12 online lessons which will take place from next 5 November 2020 until 15 April 2021 (16:00-17:30). Enrolments will be active from 27 October to 5 November.
The course is free of charge for Gregorian students; enrolments will be made at the General Secretariat with an online procedure. The final paper will be evaluated by a professor of the Department (3ECTS).
For the external public the participation has a cost of € 150: online registrations. At the end of the course a certificate of attendance will be issued. The .