Dell'umana fratellanza ed altri dubbi

  • Dell

Dell'umana fratellanza ed altri dubbi

The "Document on Human Brotherhood for World Peace and Common Coexistence" - signed in 2019 in Abu Dhabi by Pope Francis and the Shaykh of Al-Azhar Ahmad al-Tayyeb - remains a historic event of worldwide importance. Despite the proclamations, we cannot hide that it has become more and more difficult for the men and women of our present time to recognize themselves as one large human family.

In this context, the two academics Adnane Mokrani and Brunetto Salvarani offer a thoughtful reflection and comparison through the encyclical Fratelli tutti. It is not a written statement that changes things, we are the ones who change reality when we apply the values of those texts in our lives. The real question is: to what extent are we serious about adopting those words?

Date: Feb 22, 2021
Hours: 18:00
Room: Online

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