Democrazie in lockdown: il vaccino dei diritti

  • Democrazie in lockdown: il vaccino dei diritti

Democrazie in lockdown: il vaccino dei diritti

Le migrazioni alla prova della pandemia

The Faculty of Social Sciences of the Pontifical Gregorian University and Centro Astalli - the Italian branch of Jesuit Refugee Service - are proposing a training course entitled: "Democrazie in lockdown: il vaccino dei diritti".

The first three Wednesdays in May from 17.00 to 18.30 there will be webinars lasting 90 minutes in which experts and scholars will discuss the state of health of democracy in the world, in Europe and in Italy with a focus on participation and recognition of democratic freedoms to migrants and refugees. Students enrolled in course SS0003 are already automatically registered. For other students of the University and members of the public, it is necessary to register to participate through the Centro Astalli website (

Date: May 12, 2021
Organizer: Faculty of Social Sciences
Room: Online

For registrazione and further information: [email protected]

12 May ore 17.00 – 18.30 - Lo stato di salute della democrazia nel mondo&

Cecilia Brighi - General Secretary Associazione “Italia-Birmania. Insieme” 
Camillo Casola – Ricercatore associato al CeSAC (Centro Studi sull'Africa Contemporanea)
Moderator: Roberto Zichittella – Journalist Radio Rai 3

19 May ore 17.00 – 18.30 - Europa e la democrazia nel Mediterraneo

Sergio Fabbrini - Professor of International Relations LUISS Guido Carli
Antoine Courban -  Professor Humanistic Sciences Saint Joseph University - Beirut
Moderator: Chiara Tintori – Essayist and political analyst

26 May ore 17.00 - Tavola rotonda: Migranti in Italia tra rappresentanza democratica e legalità

Tatiana Esposito – General Director of Immigrazione e delle politiche di integrazione del Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali
Marco Omizzolo - Sociologist Eurispes e professor at La Sapienza
p. Camillo Ripamonti – President of Centro Astalli
Moderator: Giovanni Anversa - Vice Director Rai 1