Essere per la nascita: la custodia dell'alba

  • Essere per la nascita: la custodia dell

Essere per la nascita: la custodia dell'alba

In the belief of the Greeks, the Muses were daughters of Zeus, born of Mnemosyne, goddess of memory.
Since then, every inspiration has been like a mysterious act of divine power generated by remembering.
It draws from what has happened, but to make new all the things it touches.
Within this framework, we can understand what St Gregory the Great teaches, that Scripture grows with those who read it.
We want to deal with this growth in the cycle of Public Lectures 2024-2025, looking at it where it has determined the possibility of creating beauty and wisdom through the arts.
A poem, a book, a painting, and a sculpture manifest the surprising proliferation of the Word as the womb of creativity.
Aesthetic, biblical, and theological codes will intertwine each time to release the sounds, forms, and gestures that we can see arise from a biblical page.

Date: Nov 12, 2024
Hours: 17:30
Organizer: Alberto Hurtado Centre for Faith and Culture
Category: The Gregorian Tuesdays
Room: Aula Magna

Pontificia Università Gregoriana
Piazza della Pilotta, 4
I-00187 Roma

For information:
Alberto Hurtado Cultural Centre
Tel: +39 06 6701 5193
e-mail [email protected]