Il lavoro su misura

  • Il lavoro su misura

Il lavoro su misura

I coworking space e la conciliazione lavoro-famiglia, by Emilia Palladino and Monica Ruffa

In general, smart working is the name given to a series of professional practices that make it easier to integrate working time with the time of the family of workers. In other words, one of its advantages could be a more agile work-life balance.

With the intention of assessing this assumption, Emilia Palladino and Monica Ruffa - the authors of the volume - have carried out a field research aimed at verifying the potential in the conciliation and concrete effectiveness of coworking spaces, a form of smart working conceived both in its traditional meaning (i.e. as rental of workstations equipped), and in its co-baby type (with the availability of rooms equipped as kindergartens and with qualified personnel, for the care of children and daughters of coworking users during their stay in the structure).

The book "Il lavoro su misura" presents the results of this research and shows, on the one hand, the undeniable advantages of smart work and, on the other hand, how in the field of work-life balance it is difficult to trigger truly virtuous cultural processes in the field of gender difference and responsibility for caring for the most vulnerable (in this particular case, the youngest children).

Date: Jan 20, 2020
Hours: From 17:30 To 19:00
Organizer: Faculty of Social Sciences
Category: Book Presentation
Room: C008

Pontificia Università Gregoriana
Piazza della Pilotta, 4
00187 Roma

For information:
Phone: +39  06 6701 5186
E-mail: [email protected]

R. P. Jacquineau Azétsop SJ
Decano della Facoltà di Scienze Sociali,
Pontificia Università Gregoriana

Vera Negri Zamagni
Prof.ssa di Storia Economica,
Università di Bologna

Flavia Marzano
Prof.ssa di Metodologia e tecniche di ricerca sociale
Link Campus University di Roma

The two authors of the volume moderate and conclude