Per una teologia dell'ospitalità: Il dialogo che si fa accoglienza

  • Per una teologia dell

Per una teologia dell'ospitalità: Il dialogo che si fa accoglienza

Religious pluralism, reread starting from Indian thought and from the hospitable practice, present in Asian religions as in others, becomes an experience where to respect irreducible otherness (even to any inclusivism) and where to promote and preserve the gifts of the other religious tradition (overcoming the exclusivist attitude). And if the hospitable encounter generates a time and space where the divine can manifest itself because it recognizes that religious plurality is an expression of the "wise divine will" (Abu Dhabi document), the interreligious dialogue that ensues is one that is aware that "to be religious is to be interreligious" (Indian Theological Association).

Date: Apr 19, 2021
Hours: 18:00
Organizer: Gregorian Centre for Interreligious Studies
Room: Online

Speaker: Dr. Marco Dal Corso
Moderator: Dr. Paolo Trianni

Online Event
YouTube live streaming:
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