Simone Weil: filosofia e teologia nella "rivelazione indiana"

  • Simone Weil: filosofia e teologia nella "rivelazione indiana"

Simone Weil: filosofia e teologia nella "rivelazione indiana"

In the last years of her short life, Simone Weil devoted herself with great commitment to the study of Indian religion, both Hindu and Buddhist, dedicating herself with passion to the study of Sanskrit, to the point of being able to read the original Bhagavad-Gita. Simone's interest was only marginally historical and philological, and essentially philosophical, in the strong sense that she attributed to the word "philosophy": epistéme tés alétheias, science of truth, as Aristotle defines it in the Metaphysics. Hence also the importance of the continuous comparison she makes with the philosophical tradition of the West and with its so-called monotheistic religions.


Date: May 3, 2021
Hours: 18:00
Room: Online

Speaker: Prof. Marco Vannini
Moderator: Dr. Paolo Trianni

Live streaming link: :
To ask question during the live streaming: [email protected]
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