Archivum Historiae Pontificiae - 54

Archivum Historiae Pontificiae - Volume 55 (2021)




Gábor Barabás - The Never-Been Papal Legates, Who Left Hungary Without Having Accomplished Anything. Papal-Hungarian Relations at the End of the thirteenth century

Summarium - The so-called Chronicle of the Deeds of the Hungarians, better known as the Illuminated Chronicle (or Vienna Illuminated Chronicle) after its most famous exemplar, known in the Hungarian Medieval studies as the fourteenth century Chronicle-composition is regarded in Hungarian historiography as one of the most valuable narrative sources of the early Medieval Hungarian history. This paper attempts to provide pew perspectives to the interpretation of one of its chapters and the information in it.

  In Chapter 187 events are narrated from the end of the thirteenth century: the reign of the last king of the Árpáds, Andrew III (1290–1301) and the appearance of the young pretender, Caroberto from the Angevin dynasty of Naples, the later King Charles I of Hungary (1308–1342) are discussed. It can be read regarding their relation that: «In order to make Charles capable of ruling and of taking power against King Andrew, the aforesaid pope sent one legate after another to support his cause against King Andrew. But they could accomplish nothing and returned home». The aforesaid pope, Boniface VIII (1294–1303) in fact sent a legate to Hungary in order to act on his behalf in favour of Charles, but only after the death of Andrew III, thus not against him. The legate was Cardinal Niccolò Boccasini, the later Pope Benedict XI (1303–1304), therefore we can clearly speak of a mistake or a contradiction in case of this passage.

  This paper attempts to provide an answer to the question, whether the passage in question could be indeed a mere error, perhaps an arbitrary misstatement, as traditionally considered in the Hungarian historiography or there is a more plausible explanation to be found for the obvious contradiction of the text. The section can be interpreted in the author’s opinion in different ways as well. It is also possible that the aforesaid pope was not actually Boniface VIII, but rather his predecessor, Nicholas IV (1288–1292). Namely the latter indeed authorized a papal legate from his side, as a legate de latere, with the full office of legation, in order to act on his behalf regarding the Hungarian succession, as it can be read in the text of the Chronicle.


Élisabeth Lusset; Clément Pieyre - Maledetti apostati. Une polémique entre les ordres mendiants et la Pénitencerie apostolique à propos de la réforme de l’office curial (milieu des années 1530)

Summarium - In 1535-1536, when the new pope Paul III promoted the reform of the Roman Curia, the general superiors of mendicant orders tried to limit the Apostolic Penitentiary’s powers. They wrote a virulent libel, in which they accused the Peni- tentiary of encouraging apostasy of religious and rise of heterodox movements by granting too much graces. This paper is an edition of this libel, preceded by an introduction, and the double response written by Antonio Pucci, Penitentiary Major (1529-1544), dated 10 February 1536, and by the regent, Luís Gómez (1534-1543). This dossier sheds new light on the internal upheavals of the mendi- cant orders, confronted in the 1530s with the mass departure of their members, as well as the pre-Tridentine plans for reforming the Penitentiary, before the reform in 1569.


Dorota Gregorowicz - Una protezione ben accetta? La società nobiliare polacco-lituana nei confronti dell’impegno pontificio nelle elezioni dei re (1572-1587)

Summarium - The article examines the attitude of the Polish-Lithuanian nobility towards the papal commitment in the royal elections (1572-1587). The juridical situation of papal diplomats during the vacancy of the elective throne is analysed. Confessional aspects are discussed, as they strongly influenced the noble attitude. The documentary basis of the research consists of diplomatic correspondence, political diaries, as well as chronicles of the epoch.


Dries Vanysacker - Des partisans insoupçonnés d’un catholicisme musclé? Les points de vue des papes Pie X, Pie XI et Pie XII sur les sports modernes et la culture physique

Summarium - This contribution aims to show, on the basis of archival sources, published contemporary sources and available literature, that the attitude of popes Pius X, Pius XI and Pius XII towards modern sports was far from being negative or dis- missive. On the contrary, it can be stated that there was indeed a muscular Catholicism parallel to the muscular Christianity of the Protestants and Anglicans.




In memoriam. Il ministero dello storico di Marcel Chappin

Roberto Regoli - In memoriam. Il ministero dello storico di Marcel Chappin

Summarium - The contribution aims to trace the academic and intellectual life of the Dutch Jesuit Marcel Chappin, professor of Church History at the Pontifical Gregorian University, who died on Christmas Eve 2021, and who also held not a few offices for the Holy See. Beginning with the historian's biographical data and bibliography, some of the issues that have most animated ecclesiastical historiography in the last twentieth century are traversed.




L’attività del Vescovo di Roma tra storia, liturgia e cultura materiale (secc. IV-VII)

a cura di Ottavio Bucarelli


Ottavio Bucarelli – Introduzione


Rita Lizzi Testa - Roma e il suo vescovo (IV-VI secolo d.C.)

Summarium - The bishops of Rome took care of their faithful through preaching and the administration of the sacraments, a diligent charitable activity, ensuring the custo- dia fidei et disciplinae, which between the fourth and sixth century was expressed as an awareness to provide a cura ecclesiae universalis, with significant consequences in the relationship between the Bishop of Rome and the Roman aristocracy, as well as between Rome, the Italic peninsula and Constantinople, after the disappea- rance of an emperor of the pars Occidentis. I have devoted a few references to some of these areas of activity, after showing how central throughout this period was the acquisition and maintenance of a place of worship, to be defended and protected against adversarii of faith.


Andrea Antonio Verardi - «Solummodo ad orationem et praedicare populo vacare stude»: Roma e la pastorale papale tra VI e VII secolo

Summarium - The paper explores the pastoral structure of cura animarum in Rome between the fifth and seventh centuries. It focuses especially on the baptismal, penitential and office of the dead rites. Through the analysis of liturgical and historiographical, but also epigraphical and archaeological sources, the study illuminates the process of institutional articulation of the city church with regard to the cura animarum. It emphasises how liturgical practice was crucial in bringing back to unity the pastoral instances coming from a large and variously scattered community in the urban space.


Giulia Marconi - Le scholae christianae a Roma: nuove ipotesi sul progetto di Cassiodoro e Agapito

Summarium - H.-I. Marrou was convinced that Christian schools, where theology was taught, were born in the 6th century in analogy to the curriculum of the traditional scho- ols, which had now disappeared. This paradigm has conditioned the interpretation of the famous project of Cassiodorus and Agapitus, which is believed to consist in founding a new scholastic institution. However, a careful re-reading of Cassio- dorus’ testimony reveals that they wanted to engage professors to teach Christian theology and rhetoric in the scholae christianae that had already existed and been active in Rome for some time.


Fernando López-Arias - Urbs facta est ecclesia. Evangelizzazione e sacralizzazione dello spazio urbano di Roma (330-609)

Summarium - L’annuncio del Vangelo a Roma fu interpretato dai Pontefici nei primi secoli cristiani anche come un processo di sacralizzazione del suo spazio urbano. Tra le strategie adoperate ci soffermeremo specialmente sul culto; in particolare, sulle processioni. Parleremo inoltre della modificazione della topografia urbana e dell’attività edilizia. Infine, la costruzione di strutture per favorire i pellegrinaggi ai santuari ha pure agevolato la mutazione simbolica dell’antica città pagana.


Massimiliano Ghilardi - Ancora un momento di riflessione sul sacco di Roma del 410: due processioni a confronto, tra humanitas, cura animarum e ius asyli

Summarium - On the occasion of the 1,600th anniversary of the sack of 410, scholars have long wondered about that momentous event. This contribution – by comparing two processions, one Pagan and the other Christian, that took place at that time

– returns to reflect on a lesser known detail of the history of that event. It is an opportunity to question the value of places of worship and to analyse the role of Christian basilicas, safe places between the care of souls and the institution of the right of asylum.


Danilo Mazzoleni - I pontefici romani nelle iscrizioni paleocristiane

Summarium - The rich heritage of early Christian inscriptions is an unlimited and still not fully used source to know many aspects, otherwise unknown, of the Christian communities of the early centuries. This paper deals in particular with the pontiffs, by examining the different epigraphic documents about them, beginning with the earliest testimonies (3rd century), bout with a major focus on the period between the 4th and the 7th centuries.