Issue 102/2 (2021) of the magazine “Gregorianum” is available, quarterly published by the Gregorian University. 


Roland Meynet, S.I., Le psaume 81 : au centre du Psautier Dieu répond aux questions de l’homme

Abstract - Located at the very center of the Psalter’s central book, Ps 81 gives key insights into the Psalter’s interpretation. In Ps 81, God speaks up to answer the many questions put to him, especially in the Third Book, all the “Whys” and “Until whens” about the woes where the psalmist and his people find themselves. To “why?”, God replies that it is because of the infidelity of the sons of Israel; to “until when?” he answers “just now”: if the people listened to him, he would save them “just now”. God cannot save man without his cooperation. “God proposes and man disposes”.

Keywords : Ps 81, the composition of the Psalter, biblical rhetorical analysis


Bryan Lobo, S.I., Five Foundations of Rahner’s Trinitarian Theology: A Preliminary Presentation

Abstract - This article presents fi foundations  that according to the  author need to be presupposed in every reading of Karl Rahner’s Trinitarian theology. The fi foundations are the socio-pastoral foundation, the philosophical foundation, the anthropological foundation, the dialectical foundation, and the foundation of “God’s self-communcation”. The Trinitarian axiom of Rahner, the Economic Trinity is the Immanent Trinity and vice-versa, has led to a wide and interesting range of issues, questions and debates that cannot be incorporated in this article due to the limitations of space. However, the fi foundations presented here are meant to be a prelude to such discussions on the Trinitarian theology of Karl Rahner.

Keywords: Karl Rahner, Trinitarian theology, foundations, socio-pastoral, philosophical, anthropological, dialectical, God’s self-communication.


Ricardo Miguel Mauti, El significado ecuménico de la obra de Johann Adam Möhler

Abstract - The hundredth and eightieth anniversary of the death of Johann Adam Möhler (1838-2018), has been the occasion to deepen the prophetic figure of whom is rightfu- lly considered the precursor of the modern ecumenical movement. Since the 19th cen- tury he has been considered reformer of Catholic theology. With his works The Unity in the Church (1825) and Symbolism (1832) he introduced scientific research into the doctrinal differences between confessions on behalf of the Catholic Church. Contrary to standard practice at that time, Möhler avoided both controversy and dogmatic ire- nism in describing the doctrine of the reform churches and referred to his own official confessional documents. Möhler thus contributed to overcoming theological controversies. Therefore, he is regarded as a pioneer and innovator of modern ecumenical theology. The Second Vatican Council adopted some of Möhler’s important ideas. In this article I will address the issue from three approaches the figure of Möhler and his contribution to the field of ecumenical theology. In the first place, I will place the author in the context of the Tübingen Catholic School (1), I will present his two main works (Die Einheit and Symbolik) in their fundamental theological concepts (2) I will show his posterity and reception in order to a renewed assessment of his ecumenical contribution (3), ending with some open conclusions (4).

Keywords: Möhler, Tübingen Catholic School, Unity of the Church, Symbolism, ecumenism, dialogue



Alberto Ferreiro, Stela de l’alba és appellat sent Johan Babtista: the Martyrdom of John the Baptist in a Sermon in Catalán of St. Vicent Ferrer

Abstract - The third sermon that Saint Vicent Ferrer (1350-1419) preached on John the Baptist was titled, Johannis Decollati. The themata was taken from Matthew 14: 3, Herodes tenuit Johannem et misit eum in carcerem – “For Herod had seized John and bound him and put him in prison,” Vicent directed this sermon, as with his other hagiographical sermons, to: rich, poor, learned, unlearned, laity, clergy, and men and women. Vicent pursued three themes about John the Baptist: 1. His unjust imprisonment/ presó injusta, 2. His undignified death/ mort indigna, 3. His diverse sepulcher/ sepultura diversa. John the Baptist emerged as an example of a life of daily martyrdom to follow with the ultimate goal of eternal life.

Keywords: John the Baptist, Herod, Martyrdom, Vicent Ferrer, Catalán Sermons, Limbo


Bernard Mallmann, Der Geschichte im Konkreten begegnen. Antwortversuche von M. Blondel und E. Troeltsch

Abstract - G. W. Leibniz develops the idea of the vinculum substantiale in order to be able to explain reality by creating unity between the monads by the substantial bond. For M. Blondel, human action is carried by love and the whole of reality is connected in it. With his historical method, E. Troeltsch attempts to explain the reality of history. Only in the knowledge of history the present can be understood. Blondel and Troeltsch capture reality because they do not separate transcendence and immanence. Man can grasp the meaning of reality if he acts in history and understands this action as the realization of the whole reality.

Keywords: Leibniz, Blondel, Troeltsch, history, action


Francesco Panizzoli, Il principio d’individuazione ad mentem Thomae: una questione di infiniti


Elisabetta Casadei, La scelta razionale (rational choice). Un confronto tra Tommaso d’Aquino e tre Nobel per l’Economia

Abstract - Today there are many studies about economic thinking of Aquinas, but little on the use of the reason in the context of rational choice. This contribution highlights sur- prising analogies between the thomistic electio pattern, related to the doctrine of ratio prudentialis, and the theories of some Nobel Prize winners for Economics, which are strongly critical of the rational choice of the mainstream economics: Amartya Sen (1998), Vernon L. Smith (2002) and Herbert Simon (1978). Firstly, the Aristote- lian-Thomist choice allows to give reason for the plurality of motivations and their “hierarchization”, which underlie the economic decision, as proposed by the Indian Nobel in his Theory of “Meta ordering of preferences”. Secondly, it allows to wel- come the results of the Evolutive Economy, expressed in the “ecological rationality” of V.L. Smith, according to which human rationality is not only of the cartesian type, but also the result of cultural and biological evolutive processes. This welcome ap- pears possible due to the fact that the aristotelic-thomistic theory conceives the minor premise of the syllogism as a cognitive-affective “perception”. Finally, it is possible to find convergence between H. Simon’s “limited rationality” and the Tommasian ratio prudentialis: the first, it developed in the context of Cognitive and Behavioral Economics, it highlights that human rationality is “structurally limited”; the second, is conceived as intellectus obumbratus, unable to understand fully the particular actions to be performed, and influenced by affects and pure spirits. Therefore, Aquinas and the three Nobel Prize criticize the rational choice of the economic mainstream, start- ing from a different use of reason: from compositional to resolutive, from abstract to psychologically rooted and from dis-inculturated to inculturated. This means that the economic choice is open to a plurality of reasons, it is always very personal and social, and it is operated by a symbolic and not only rational homo oeconomicus.

Keywords: Aquinas, Amartya Sen, Vernon Lomax Smith, Herbert Simon, Eco- nomy, Economics, Rational Choice, Prudence, Behavioral Economy, Evolutive Eco- nomy, Cognitive Economy.


Simone D’Agostino, La storia della filosofia tra unità e complessità. Il caso John Locke

Abstract - The article takes John Locke as a case study useful for investigating certain coordi- nates of current practice in the history of philosophy. The case is examined via review of three different, recent contributions: an analytic monograph which is a systematic study of Lockean epistemology; a collective, contextual, monodisciplinary volume which takes a deeper, historical look at the relationships between Lockean and Car- tesian philosophy; and a collective, contextual, multidisciplinary volume which in- vestigates the relevance of Locke for Biblical Hermeneutics. From their comparison emerges, in the end, a tendential, methodological divergence: a unifying hermeneutic vs. a complexifying hermeneutic. The history of philosophy appears to be a discipline that is called to use both of these methodologies if it does not want to fall into readings that are too preconceived or excessively fragmentary.

Keywords: John Locke, history of philosophy, knowledge, conscience, biblical hermeneutics


Francesco Saracino, Negli occhi di Cristo: una visione di Margherita Colonna

Abstract - The life of Margherita Colonna (1255-1280) was poor in external events but was marked by experiences that are at the height of the visionary imagination of the Mid- dle Age. Among these emerges a vision that took place within a Eucharistic frame and that allowed the young woman to contemplate the universe in the eyes of Jesus. This essay develops the multiple themes involved in this event and highlights the impor- tance that the eyes of Christ had in the theology and spirituality of Christians.

Keywords: Margherita Colonna, visions, the eyes of Jesus, contemplation of the universe, Rothschild Canticles


Notae – Recensiones – Indicationes – Libri nostri – Opera accepta