Issue 101/2 (2020) of the magazine "Gregorianum" is available, quarterly published by the Gregorian University.


Jared Wicks, S.I. - Another Text by Joseph Ratzinger as peritus at Vatican II

Abstract - Continuing an earlier publication on Joseph Ratzinger as Vatican II theologian, this contribution offers a short text recently published from his archive, to which it adds a brief commentary. The text, De voluntate Dei erga hominem, arose amid the efforts of Council theologians in October-November 1962 to give the Council an attractive new starting-point of its teaching on the word of God addressed to humankind. Ratzinger’s short text rested on St. Bonaventure’s grand scheme of God leading back (reductio) all reality to himself in Christ, who reveals the truth of God and of the human calling. Ratzinger’s text fused with paragraphs by Karl Rahner to become the alternative schema De revelatione Dei et hominis in Jesu Christo facta, by which many Council Fathers came to sense the potential of ressourcement theology for reformulating traditional teaching in a manner of greater pastoral impact.

Keywords: Theologians at Vatican II, Joseph Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI, Karl Rahner, word of God, human vocation, revelation.

Dariusz Kowalzyk, S.I. - Lo Spirito Santo e l’Immacolata Concezione. Intuizioni di Massimiliano Kolbe nella teologia di Jacek Bolewski

Abstract - The conciliar renewal has reopened Mariology to trinitarian and, above all, pneumatological dimensions. One theologian, who has reflected much on this question, is the Polish Jesuit Jacek Bolewski (d. 2012). One source of inspiration for him were the writings of St. Maximilian Kolbe whom, however, the Polish theologian critically rereads in his desire to move forward. Bolewski also draws much from Marian apparitions — above all those of Lourdes and Fatima. These apparitions in his theology constitute an authentic locus theologicus. At the same time he refers to different theological currents, among others, Sophiology. The Marian dogma, that draws our author’s particular attention, is the Immaculate Conception. From this Marian dogma, he arrives at a new idea, that is, the Holy Spirit’s own Immaculate Conception within the Trinity. As such, the Holy Spirit is active in the Son’s generation. This vision joins with the idea of Spirituque as a possible solution for the unilateral nature of the Filioque.

Keywords: Bolewski, Kolbe, Immaculate Conception, Holy Spirit, Wisdom.

Rafael Ramis-Barceló - El surgimiento del concepto de ‘eclesiología’

Abstract - In this article, the emergence of the concept of «ecclesiology» is studied. It is defended here that the first systematic work that developed it was Christologia & Ecclesiologia seu Florilegium Theologicum (1643), by Philipp Heinrich Friedlieb, whose characteristics are analyzed. It was the first systematic treatise on the Church with that name. In 1677 it was published Ecclesiologia oder Kirche-Beschreibung by Schleffer (Silesius), which was not a systematic treatise on «ecclesiology», but a set of apologetic writings on the main ecclesial questions. This paper concludes by showing different meanings of the concept of «ecclesiology» until the beginning of the 19th Century, when it went on to name one of the main branches of Dogmatic Theology.

Keywords: Ecclesiology, Friedlieb, Schleffer, Bellarmino, Begriffsgeschichte.

Adrien Leniampa Shenge, S.I. - La conception kantienne de la responsabilité

Abstract - This study shows that Kant, while remaining in solidarity with the imputative orientation which then governed the approach to this new substantive, also freed the idea of responsibility from its legal anchoring to the context where it appeared so as to widen it to all aspects of human action. He grounded this concept in the notion of autonomy which founded all his moral philosophy, and presented it as the subjective counterpart of duty as a principle of morality. Hence, responsibility can be defined as the agent’s determination by the effects of his action under law. It is the expression and the culmination of the corum judicio that characterizes the moral conscience. It translates man’s moral feeling, and concretizes and manifests self-respect and benevolence towards others. Thus, responsibility appears as consecutive to human nature, and participates in what makes us human.

Keywords: responsibility, autonomy, duty, imputation, obligation, fulfillment of obligations, Schuldigkeit, Verantwortlichkeit, moral conscience, moral sense, corum judicio.


Valentín Goldie - La nueva alianza como categoría eclesiológica


Abstract - The article explores the category «covenant» and particularly its applicability in Ecclesiology and its importance in the Christian-Jewish dialogue. The covenant is a relationship by divine initiative that is freely accepted by the men to whom God addresses the invitation with the goal of associating them to his divine plan, it is a relationship that generates a way of relating among men. It is argued that the covenant is the constitutive element of the people, who are the human party of the covenant. The article argues that the New Covenant sealed by the blood of Jesus is brand new, not a mere renewal of the old one, that inaugurates a new relationship, qualitatively different between God and men. The article also explores the implications of such theology in the dialogue with Judaism.

Keywords: covenant, ecclesiology, dialogue, judaism, people of God, relationship.


Juan Pablo Rubio Sadia, OSB. - La comprensión dialógica de la liturgia. Iter magisterial y hermenéutica intertextual


Abstract - Sacrosanctum Concilium 33 offers a vision of the liturgy as dialogue between God and His people, connected to a didactic dimension. From this perspective, the Magisterium of the Church has developed a reflection on this vision of liturgy as dialogue to the point of making it central to understanding all the liturgical actions. The theological analysis of the magisterial formulations demonstrated in this article, from the Second Vatican Council up to Evangelii Gaudium, applies a double hermeneutic, textual and intertextual, that considers not only the Sitz im Leben in every formulation, but also its relationship to other documents. In this way, the evolution of this line of thinking is characterized as a «dialogical twist», far from opposing other modes of interpretation, cultural or pedagogical, it sustains and enriches them.

Keywords: liturgy, dialogue, meeting, Magisterium of the Church, intertextual hermeneutic.


Rogelio García Mateo, S.I. - El paráclito en la espiritualidad de Ignacio de Loyola


Abstract - The silence of the Ignatian Exercises regarding pneumatology cannot significance disregard of the Holy Spirit, because his title is exactly «Spiritual Exercises». This means that all activity of them is moved or accompany by the Third Person of the Trinity, otherwise they were no christian exercises, for a life formed from faith is in turn a coworker of the divine Gift. God gives us himself indwelling and consoling and with himself everything. On the other hand the references of de Holy Spirit are important in the Spiritual Diary and the Constitutions of the Society of Jesus. This article aims to made a pneumatological riding of some moments of Ignatian Spirituality.

Keywords: Words Pneumatology, Trinity, grace, experience, inhabitation, mystic.


Rolphy Pinto, S.I. - The Mystagogical Dimension of Spiritual Conversation. An Ignatian perspective


Abstract – The pedagogy of Jesus was mystagogy. The Fathers of the Church too adapted the pedagogy of Jesus. Staying within this long-standing Christian tradition, Ignatius of Loyola too emerges as a mystagogue. This conclusion is drawn after an exegetical study of some selected texts of the Autobiography of Ignatius. «Things of God» is a key concept in the Autobiography, which refers to the experiential knowledge of God rather than knowledge about God derived from academic learning alone. Men and woman of experience of God, who can also help others to discover the hidden mystery of God within their souls, i.e., mystagogues, are what our Church needs today.

Keywords: Things of God, mystagogy, spiritual conversation.


Peter Lah, S.I., The scandal of secrecy


Abstract – This article examines the notion of secrecy, specifically how it has been practiced in the governance of the Church. Hardly a new issue in this context, secrecy in recent decades has been scrutinized as a possible cause of sexual abuse scandals, or at least its enabling factor. After a brief presentation of sociological meaning of secrecy, the author presents three possible explanations of the phenomenon, namely administrative efficiency and effectiveness, its psychological roots, and ecclesial and theological reasons for secrecy and transparency. Finally, a Christian argument in favor of transparency is presented, drawing upon Peter Henrici’s insistence on the primacy of truth in Christian communication.

Keywords: secrecy, sexual abuse scandal, transparency, truth, organizational communication.


Joep Van Gennip, «Did you mean that I ought to say: “I’m a priest?”». The industrial apostolate of the Dutch Jesuits in the city of Rotterdam and its suburbs, 1947-1988, II


Abstract – The industrial mission work of the Dutch Jesuits flourished in the fifties. The laity as «apostles» on the shop floor were crucial in this process. Due to practical experience acquired by the industrial chaplains, the focus of the “social work” shifted in the mid-fifties from the individual worker to the factory as a community. The Jesuits became aware of the unequal conditions employees faced in the capitalist system. They regarded the unfair treatment of workers by the capitalist economic system as incompatible with Christian ethics. General Arrupe, elected 1965, held the same opinion and encouraged their work. However, the lack of a theological foundation became problematic. A Dutch Jesuit research centre for social work could have given it a more theoretical basis. In 1969, faced with serious leaves, the Dutch Jesuits concluded that their industrial apostolate could not survive as an independent pastoral project. They began to integrate it into diocesan structures.

Keywords: industrial apostolate, social work, Dutch Jesuits, Rotterdam, forming industrial cells (kernvorming).


Francesco Saracino, Il Bambino in paradiso: Carlo Dolci e l’immaginazione devota


Abstract – The Christ Child with a Garland of Flowers, one of the best devotional paintings of the Florentine Carlo Dolci, offers the opportunity to consider the visionary imagination of the seventeenth century in some of its most evocative manifestations.

Keywords: Carlo Dolci, Christ Child, visions, Song of Songs, paradise, flowers, asceticism, final images.


Louis Caruana on the Concept of Nature.


Biblia: B. M. Austin, Plant Metaphors in the Old Greek Isaiah (M. Settembrini), 477-478; J. L. Brum Texeira, Poetics and Narrative Function of Tobit 6 (E. López Navas), 479-480; C. Gersuphaus, Sterbliche Götter. Göttliche Menschen. Psalm 82 und seine frühchristlichen Deutungen (P. Paszko), 481-482; s. L. McKenzie, 1 Kings 16 – 2 Kings 16 (M. Settembrini), 482-484; M. Settembrini, Daniele: Introduzione, traduzione e commento (J. Sievers), 484-485; M. J. Stone, Empire and Gender in LXX Esther (F. J. Ruiz-Ortiz), 485-487; R. Torti Mazzi, Voci e silenzi di donne nell’Antico Testamento (N. Calduch-Benages), 487-489.


Theologia: M. Belli, Sacramenti tra dire e fare. Piccoli paradossi e rompicapi celebrativi (G. Bonfrate), 489-490; B. Dive, John Henry Newman and the Imagination (N. Steeves), 490-492; C. Dobner, Il libro dai sette sigilli. Edith Stein: Torah e Vangelo (G. Salatiello), 492-493; M. Fédou, Jésus Christ au fil des siècles. Une histoire de la christologie (A. Begasse de Dhaem), 493-495; B.Y. Lee – T.L. Knoebel, ed., Discovering Pope Francis. The Roots of Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s Thinking (G. Whelan), 495-496; A. Sabetta, ed., Martin Lutero. Confessione sulla cena di Cristo (G. Bonfrate), 496-497; L. Sandonà, Dialogica per un pensare teologico tra sintassi trinitaria e questione del pratico (D. Kowalczyk), 498-499; B. Sesboüé, Non abbiate paura! Sguardi sulla Chiesa e sui ministeri oggi (G. Mmassi), 500-501.


Missiologia: Congregazione per l’Evangelizzazione dei Popoli. Pontificie Opere Missionarie, ed., Battezzati e inviati. La Chiesa di Cristo in Missione nel mondo. Mese missionario straordinario, Ottobre 2019 (J. Chlouk), 501-503.


Historia Ecclesiae: L. Colarile – P. Erhard, ed., Römische Tagebücher aus dem Kloster St Gallen. Diari romani dal monastero di San Gallo (P. Oberholzer), 503-505; A. Molnár, Confessionalization on the Frontier. The Balkan Catholics between Roman Reform and Ottoman Reality (R. Danieluk), 505-506.


Spiritualitas: T. O’Reilly – C. Thompson – L. Twomey, ed., St Teresa of Ávila. Her Writings and Life (R. Pinto), 506-508.


R. Cheaib, Scorciatoie verso Dio. Il genio spirituale di John Henry Newman, 509;
P. Gilbert, Tournants et tourments en métaphysique, 509-510;
R. Meynet, Le Psautier. Deuxième livre (Ps 42/43–72), 510-511;
S. Morra – M. Ronconi, ed., Incantare le sirene. Chiesa, teologia e cultura in scena, 511;
G. Piccolo, Fatti di parole. Filosofia del Linguaggio, 512.

