

Xalxo: Presenting Laudato si’ as an integral and indispensable fount of creative and re-creative elements for the new evangelization

Alejo: To find affirmation of our experience and deepen our personal commitment to the social and political dimension of the Christian mission in contemporary world by following Pope Francis’ encyclical Fratelli Tutti.
\li720 To recognize and analyze some current political challenges facing Church mission, such as the rise of populism and authoritarianism, post-truth and cyber violence, throw-away culture, and democratic decay as implied in Fratelli Tutti’s description of the global situation.
To generate options toward a more prophetic missionary praxis inspired by the Pope’s call for political spirituality and ‘social poetry’.

Xalxo: Grounded firmly on the magisterial teachings of Laudato si’, the first part of the Course identifies new ways, hopes and challenges to the new evangelization amidst the steep decline in the sense of faith and morality in the contemporary world, in which the Gospel and the Church seem to have no necessary authority. The second part consists in analyzing diverse avenues and opportunities offered by Laudato si’ to deepen truths of Christian faith through a meaningful dialogue and evangelization of cultures ( LS 134). The third part explores the possibilities of “seeing, discerning and putting into practice” the prospects of the new evangelization and ecological conversion rooted in integral human relationship with God, with fellow humans and with the entire creation

Alejo: We assume that the participants in this class have a general understanding of Pope Francis’ enormous contribution to Catholic Social Teaching. This half-semester course invites us toward a more intimate reading of Fratelli Tutti, especially Chapters 1, 2, 5 and 7. The additional readings are meant to offer us other perspectives and to locate our discussions within a broader context.
  Methodology: A pragmatic approach to Laudato si’ by lectures followed by the personal readings reflections and discussions on some of the pertinent texts of the Encyclical. Participants in this class form a community of co-learners. There will be a formal lecture per session, but group interaction based on our diverse life stories and guided by the ‘D.A.R.E. Pastoral Circle’ will take us beyond academic debates. The brief weekly reflection paper serves as platform both for self-processing and group enrichment.
0 Means of Evaluation : Evaluation will be based largely on the final paper to be submitted both in electronic format and in print (Oral exam / a written assignment of 12-15 pages). Class participation and the weekly reflection papers make the formal evaluation also formative.


  • Semestre: 2° Semestre
  • ECTS: 3


Albert E. ALEJO
Albert E. ALEJO

Orario lezioni/Aula

Semestre Giorno Dalle Alle Aula Piano Palazzo Note
2° Semestre Martedì 10.30 11.15 T400 4 Traspontina
2° Semestre Martedì 11.30 12.15 T400 4 Traspontina


  • Xalxo:
    Francis, Laudato si’ (2015); Id., Evangelii gaudium (2013); T. Berry, The Christian Future and the Fate of the Earth, Maryknoll 2009; D.G. Hallman, Ecotheology: Voices from South and North, Maryknoll 1994; M. Postiglione (ed.), Environmental Stewardship in the Judeo-Christian Tradition, St. Louis, Missouri 2010; C.W. Troll (ed.), The Sacredness of Creation, Lahore 2015; G. Vigini (ed.), Pope Francis: Care for Creation, Maryknoll 2016.

    A. Daughton, «Paul Ricoeur and Fratelli Tutti: Neighbor, People, Institution», in Journal of Catholic Social Thought, 19:11 (2022), 71-88; A. Alejo, «Political Love», in Fratelli Tutti: A Global Commentary, edited by William T. Cavanaugh et al, Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2022; J. Adiprasetya, «The Good yet Missing Innkeeper and the Possibility of Open Ecclesiology» Ecclesiology, 14 (2018), 185-202; R. G. Lopez, «"Fratelli tutti" and the challenge of neo-populism», Vatican News. Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences. 4 March 2021; R. ZOSIMO, Et Al, «Becoming a Fraternal Organization: Insights from the Encyclical Fratelli Tutti» in Journal of Business Ethics. Other readings may be offered according to the regional interests and competencies of the participants.\ul


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3 giu 2024 . . Elaborato A Z