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Sheet of the course TD2208 | 2019-2020


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Characteristics: 3.0 ECTS - Second six-month period

Professor: Fr. Gabriel Mmassi, SJ

Academic Unit: Faculty of Theology

Course of "Laurea": Teologia: Licenza

Hours not available


History shows that reception of Church councils is a slow and lengthy process. The Second Vatican Council is not exempted to this observation. Even after fiftieth anniversary of the Council’s official opening behind us, its reception and application are still in their nascent stages. Critical in this process are its various interpretations: how it has been perceived and understood by its diverse stakeholders in time and otherwise. Objective: To study the diversified interpretation of Vatican II. Procedure: The course will consist mainly of lectures and discussions. A final paper of between 10 and 12 pages, focusing on an aspect of the course, will serve as an evaluation.


The History of Vatican II, Vol. 5: The Council and the Transition, the Fourth Period and the End of the Council, September 1965- December 1965, ed. G. ALBERIGO – J. KOMONCHAK, New York: Orbis Books, 2006; Y. CONGAR, My Journal of the Council. Trans. From the French by Mary John Ronayne and Mary Cecily Boulding Collegeville, Minnesota: Liturgical Press, 2012; M. FAGGIOLI, Vatican II: The Battle for Meaning. New York/Mahwah, N.J.: Paulist Press, 2012; J. O’MALLEY, What Happened at Vatican II, Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2008; O. RUSH, Still Interpreting Vatican II : Some Hermeneutical Principals, New York, Mahwah (NJ): Paulist Press, 2004.