• Accademic Unit
    Institute of Anthropology
  • Course
    Licentiate in Safeguarding

Objectives: At the end of the semester the students will be able to approach the subject of safeguarding proactively, taking into consideration cultural particularities, and think in a critical way about experiences by avoiding prejudices; apply theoretical knowledge to practice; develop a personal modus operandi; work and possibly manage a team; practice positive external communication; draft and analyze safeguarding guidelines, policies, projects; develop, evaluate, and share best practices in their own work contexts.

Content: Students will learn to fill various roles in safeguarding and to work in contexts that are familiar or similar to those in their home countries.

Methodology: The course will combine practical work and personal reflection.

Means of evaluation:Evaluations will be based on reports from host organizations, reports written by the students, and oral presentations about their activities.


  • Semestre: 1° Semestre
  • ECTS: 26


Docenti VARI
Docenti VARI

Lesson schedule/Room

Lessons schedule not available


  • It will be indicated during the semester.


Date Hours Room Exam From Letter To Letter Note
Jun 3, 2024 . . Homework A Z La data è indicativa. Essendo un esame finale, sarà sostituita con quella prevista da Facoltà\Istituto.