
Why support the Pontifical Gregorian University

Since 1551 we promote excellence and leadership in the field of teaching and research at the service of the Church and for the world. The mission of the Pontifical Gregorian University consists in the intellectual and human formation of students from each country, where they will return to build the future of local churches. The support and generosity of many friends, supporters and alumni will allow us to invest new strength and resources to continue offering this service to the best of our abilities.

Purpose of donation

Research and teaching

 Grants for the development of research and the updating of teaching


Aid for university fees for students from developing countries


Renovation and restoration of structures, spaces and university equipments

Library and Archive

Management and increase of book and digital acquisitions; preservation of ancient books.

How to donate

If you are a resident of the United States of America or Canada, you can also donate to the Gregorian University Foundation.

Pontifical Gregorian University

Bank transfer:

Pontifical Gregorian University
Banca Popolare Etica - IBAN: IT82 A 05018 03200 000011180791
Bic Swift: ETICIT22XXX,
Reason : Donation

Gregorian University Foundation

Bank transfer:

Gregorian University Foundation 501(c)3- United States of America
FEIN: 23-7184818

Gregorian Inc.
Registered Charity Number: 118947837RR0001 - Canada

Credit card:
By filling out the form at this link