Admission to the University, (an indispensable requirement for enrollment) of exclusive competence of the Dean / Dean / Director, is granted on the basis of the evaluation of the documents presented by the candidate relative to the studies previously carried out. Admission is granted for the study cycle and for the academic year for which the request was presented and lapses if it is not followed by enrollment and enrollment, which gives the student the right to attend classes.
Ordinary, extraordinary, guest and "fuori corso" students
Students are divided into ordinary, extraordinary, "fuori corso" and guests. Those who aspire to academic degrees or other qualifications are ordinary; extraordinary those who carry out a specific curriculum in the Faculty, but do not intend however to achieve academic degrees in this University or do not yet have the requisites necessary to obtain them; guests who attend only a few courses (up to a maximum of 3 per semester).
Finally, students enrolled beyond the period of the duration of the Cycle are called "fuori corso" students.
General provisions about studies
Enrollment as an ordinary student in a higher Cycle without having obtained the title of the previous Cycle is invalidated; except in specific cases, for special reasons the Dean may grant the student that, by enrolling as an failing student to be concluded, he takes some courses in the Higher Cycle, so that these examinations are then recognized once the Cycle is completed, if the student satisfies all the requirements for enrollment in the following Cycle.
To complete a cycle of studies, the student has a maximum term of nine years from enrollment in the Cycle.
Concurrent enrollment in different Universities or Pontifical Universities or Pontifical or Civil Institutes, or in different Faculties or Institutes of the Gregorian University to achieve academic degrees is prohibited. The double registration and any exams taken will be canceled.