Scholarships Office

The Scholarships Office is primarily responsible for the management of:

  1. Pontifical Gregorian University Scholarships Fund (PUG Scholarships), instituted with the help of benefactors for the allocation of scholarships intended to cover the cost of partial academic fees for students in poor financial circumstances.
  2. Fondo Sostegno Studi al Consorzio (DIR Scholarships), instituted by the General of the Society of Jesus for the students of the Consortium (PUG, PIB and PIO).

It also acts as an intermediary or co-erogator for some external institutions that offer scholarships or provide mobility programs for students, such as The Saint John Paul II Fund of the Papal Foundation, Catholic Committee for Cultural Collaboration, FUCE.

Other responsibilities:

  • a. granting "Advances" to defer tuition payment deadlines;
  • b. managing exemptions from the payment of the so-called special fees and the surcharge in case of late admission;
  • c. managing the refund of fees in the event of withdrawal from studies and the cancellation of outstanding fees, which may prevent any further academic activity by the student;
  • d. evaluation of the granting of the dispensation, in the event of re-enrollment in doctoral program due to expiry.

A. PUG Scholarships

New Students for Baccalaureate, Licentiate or Diploma

  • Applications can be submitted by filling out the appropriate form, available at the Scholarships Office (F114) or on the online forms from the web page of the University website, and delivering it, along with the required documentation, to the Scholarships Office, during the time of admission.
  • The outcome of the application will be communicated to the student by the Rector's Delegate during the interview.

Students Already Enrolled at the University for Baccalaureate, Licentiate or Diploma

Applications must be submitted between 17 March and 30 April 2025 for the Academic Year 2025-2026

The request must be submitted through the online web page for the students.

The completed online form, along with the required documentation, must be delivered to the Scholarships Office within the prescribed time for evaluation by a special committee, composed of: the Delegate of the Rector for the Scholarships Office, the Secretary-General, the Bursar and the President of the Association of Rectors or his nominee.

It is necessary to have obtained a weighted average score of at least 8.70/10 in the last exam session.

The outcome of the applications will be announced on university notice boards and on the Scholarships Office website before the end of June.

Only in exceptional and justified cases will it be possible to request the scholarship directly from the Rector’s Delegate during the enrolment period.

Students Enrolled for Doctoral Programs

Applications must be submitted by filling out the appropriate form available at the Scholarships Office (F114) or the online forms page available on the University website, and delivering it, together with the required documents, to the Rector's Delegate.

Scholarship applications for doctoral programs do not have deadlines.

Applications submitted prior to the approval of the thesis topic (for which no financial help can be requested) are not accepted.


  1. For All (Diocesan, Religious, Lay). A personal letter from the applicant addressed to the Rector’s Delegate, in which the request for a scholarship is presented, and the following questions are answered:
    • whether you are undertaking the studies by your own choice or by the will of your Supervisors;
    • the purpose of your studies and/or the eventual assignment you will undertake following the completion of your studies;
    • your financial situation, whether it is your own, your family’s, or your institution’s;
    • whether the remaining study, board, lodging, and medical expenses are covered by the income from your own work, by the help you receive from family members, the college, private individuals, or other institutions.
  2. For Seminarians, Diocesan Priests and Religious (only for the first time): A letter from the bishop or major superior stating:
    • the course of study to be pursued by the candidate;
    • an indication of the student's place of residence in Rome;
    • an indication of the financial aid offered for food, accommodation, study and health expenses of the student during his/her stay in Rome;
    • a statement attesting to the difficulties of the Diocese or Institute in providing for the payment of academic fees.
  3. For Doctoral Students Only. In addition to the letters referred to in points a and b, the Scholarships Office requires an information letter from the thesis Moderator, delivered in a sealed envelope or sent by e-mail to the Rector’s Delegate, certifying the status of the thesis, whether the doctoral student is still doing research or has begun the editorial phase, whether an assessment can be made about the completion of the doctoral program.

B. Fondo Sostegno Studi al Consorzio (DIR) Scholarships

Information is available at the Scholarships Office from the beginning of the second semester.


Contact Form - Scholarships Office