Library: end of access restrictions

Library: end of access restrictions

The Library of the Pontifical Gregorian University inform that starting from Monday, June 20th, the access to his spaces will be free from the restrictions imposed by [...]

The discovery of the

The discovery of the "Clavis Prophetarum"

Last May 30, the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon and the Pontifical Gregorian University presented the process of enhancing a key witness of [...]

Ceremony for the De Lubac Award 2022

Ceremony for the De Lubac Award 2022

On Monday, 23 May, at the French Embassy to the Holy See, the Henri de Lubac Award was conferred on the winners of the 2022 edition, [...]

For a renewal of moral theology

For a renewal of moral theology

The Pontifical Gregorian University and the Pontifical John Paul II Theological Institute are holding an International Conference on Moral Theology on 11-14 May, focusing on Amoris [...]

Evaluation of courses and seminars - Second Semester

Evaluation of courses and seminars - Second Semester

  The Pontifical Gregorian University promptly invites its students to participate in the evaluation of the teaching of the second semester. The evaluation form will be active [...]

Bellarmino Award 2022

Bellarmino Award 2022

The juries for the Bellarmino Award and the Vedovato Award met to assign the two prizes that the Pontifical Gregorian University gives annually to the best [...]

Covid-19, new rules from 1 May

Covid-19, new rules from 1 May

The Italian government's forthcoming decree will regulate the previous anti-Covid measures for exiting the state of emergency, with a gradual but complete return to normality over [...]

Liber Annualis 2021

Liber Annualis 2021

The Liber Annualis 2021 of the Pontifical Gregorian University, the Pontifical Biblical Institute and the Pontifical Oriental Institute is now available. The Liber Annualis offers a presentation [...]

GREGORIANUM - Second Issue 2022

GREGORIANUM - Second Issue 2022

Issue 103/2 (2022) of the magazine “Gregorianum” is available, quarterly published by the Gregorian University. Visit the Gregorianum page for the abstracts of the articles and contents [...]