Holy Mass of Grace Action for the A.Y. 2023-2024


On Monday, 27 May, at 10.45 a.m., we will celebrate the Holy Mass of Grace Action, presided over by His Eminence Most Rev. Michael Czerny S.J., Prefect of the Dicastery for Integral Human Development, at the church of St. Ignatius in Campo Marzio. Classes III and IV will be suspended and the Offices will be closed to the public to allow everyone to attend. Library services to users will be guaranteed.

On this occasion, the conferral of the Professors' Emeritusate will also take place:

  • Fr. James Corkery S.J.
  • Fr. Martín Maria Morales S.J.
  • Fr. Henryk Pietras S.J. 
  • Prof. Michelina Tenace 

We will also thank the members of the technical-administrative staff who are celebrating 25 years of service to the institution:

  • Angelo Licheri
  • Maria Rita Marcotulli
  • Paolo Ercoli

The entire university community is invited to participate in this celebration with which we wish to give thanks to the Lord for what we have received and shared during this academic year.





  • Sezioni: PUG