News and Press Releases

Evaluation of Didactics - Second Semester

Evaluation of Didactics - Second Semester

  The Pontifical Gregorian University earnestly invites its students to participate in the evaluation of the second semester's teaching. The evaluation form will be active from Monday [...]

Liber Annualis 2023

Liber Annualis 2023

  The Liber Annualis 2023 of the Pontifical Gregorian University, the Pontifical Biblical Institute and the Pontifical Oriental Institute is now available. The Liber Annualis offers a presentation [...]

What will change for the Gregorian University?

What will change for the Gregorian University?

  The US Jesuit magazine America has published a wide-ranging interview with the Rector, Fr. Mark A. Lewis S.J., on the new configuration of the Pontifical Gregorian [...]

Philosophical Pilgrimage in Germany

Philosophical Pilgrimage in Germany

  THE PROMISED LAND OF PHILOSOPHY Philosophical Pilgrimage in Germany (12-19 September 2024)   The Faculty of Philosophy offers a study trip to Germany with the possibility of credit recognition (3 ECTS) [...]

Periodica de re canonica - First Issue 2024

Periodica de re canonica - First Issue 2024

  Issue 113/1 (2024) of the magazine Periodica de re canonica is available, quarterly published by the Faculty of Canon Law of the Pontifical Gregorian University. Visit the [...]

2024-2025 Cardinal Bea Centre Scholarships

2024-2025 Cardinal Bea Centre Scholarships

  The Cardinal Bea Centre for Judaic Studies is pleased to announce scholarships for students who will register to the Licentiate in Judaic Studies and Jewish-Christian Relations for the [...]

GUF 2023 Impact Report

GUF 2023 Impact Report

  The Gregorian University Foundation (GUF) is pleased to present the organization's 2023 Impact Report. The Report includes updates offered by GUF President Fr. Michael C. McFarland [...]