A New Joint Diploma in Spirituality of Religious Families


The Pontifical Gregorian University takes part, through its own Institute of Spirituality, in the new Joint Diploma in Spirituality of Religious Families, promoted by the Teresianum together with six other Roman Pontifical Institutions (Angelicum, Antonianum, Gregoriana, Sant'Anselmo, Seraphicum, Teresianum, Salesiana). The professor of the reference for the Gregoriana is Fr. Jaime Emilio González Magaña, S.J.

The Joint Diploma will offer, in addition to a general introduction to the topic, in-depth studies on the different spiritualities (Benedictine, Carmelite, Dominican, Franciscan, Ignatian and Salesian) through on-site presentations in the corresponding Institutions during a number of study days. Each spirituality will be presented and deepened in its essential contribution to the living spiritual tradition of the Church, supported by the key texts that represent it. A concluding study day will take up and bring into dialogue the discoveries made during the study course. 

For more information on the programme, study day schedule and registration, visit the new Joint Diploma in Religious Family Spirituality webpage and download the brochure.






  • Sezioni: PUG