Centro "Alberto Hurtado" E-book

The emergency triggered by Covid-19 is reshuffling our landmarks, forcing us to redefine lives starting from spaces and times that are suddenly no longer familiar to us.
eason, work, relationship, security, democracy, poverty, disability - but also faith, Church, spirituality, sacraments, closeness - are still there, though no longer as they used to be. Reflecting on these themes, a group of professors and friends of the "Alberto Hurtado" Faith and Culture Center of the Pontifical Gregorian University have signed a series of thoughts on L'Osservatore Romano entitled "Il Signore che passa nel tempo del coronavirus". The six contributions - now expanded, and enriched by an introduction and afterword - have now been collected in the ebook Vedo la notte che accende le stelle. Sentieri in tempo di pandemia (EDB).

The night that surrounds this difficult time is necessary to be able to see the stars. The title of the ebook is inspired by a verse by Rainer M. Rilke, whose first explanation is to be found in Van Gogh's thought that, overwhelmed by "a terrible need - dare I say that word? - of religion", he would go out at night, painting the stars.

Here you can read the contribution of Prof. Stella Morra (Director of the Faith and Culture Centre "Alberto Hurtado":https://www.vaticannews.va/it/osservatoreromano/news/2020-03/realismo-dello-spirito.html

Table of contents

Foreword - Nessuno si salva da solo

Giuseppe Bonfrate - Accompagnare (non subire) le sfide del presente
Stella Morra - Realismo dello Spirito
Vincenzo Rosito - L’intellettuale vulnerabile
Marco Ronconi - Un popolo sacerdotale
Manuela Terribile - Tornare a credere
Marcello Neri - La costituzione del mondo

Afterword - A proposito di questo volume

