La Gregoriana 58 - New Digital Edition

The new issue of the information periodical La Gregoriana is now available. Starting with issue 57, the printed Italian and English editions are joined by a new edition, entirely digital, multimedial and interactive. This new edition aims to facilitate reading on digital devices, allow greater integration with the institutional website and encourage further diffusion on social networks.

Among the in-depth articles in this issue:

    •    interviews with Fr. Gaetano Piccolo, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Fr. Pavulraj Michael, Dean of the Institute of Spirituality, Fr. Hans Zollner, Dean of the new Institute of Anthropology;

    •    the presentations of the new Licentiate in Jewish Studies and Jewish-Christian Relations, the new Diploma in Penal Jurisprudence and the Diploma in Christian and Medieval Antiquities;

    •    the important anniversaries that will accompany us during the A.Y. 2021-2022, such as the Ignatian Year, the fourth centenary of the death of our patron Saint Robert Bellarmine and the 50th anniversary of the Institute of Psychology.

    •    ...and much more. We wish you a good read!

