Being a Jesuit in Renaissance Italy: Biographical Writing in the Early Global Age

  • Being a Jesuit in Renaissance Italy: Biographical Writing in the Early Global Age

Being a Jesuit in Renaissance Italy: Biographical Writing in the Early Global Age

Harvard University Press, 2022 Camilla Russell

The Society of Jesus was established in 1540. In the century that followed, thousands sought to become Jesuits and pursue vocations in religious service, teaching, and missions. Drawing on scores of unpublished biographical documents housed at the Roman Jesuit Archive (ARSI), Camilla Russell illuminates the lives of those who joined the Society, building together a religious and cultural presence that remains influential the world over. Tracing Jesuit life from the Italian provinces to distant missions, Russell sheds new light on the impact and inner workings of the Society. Focusing on the Jesuits’ own words, Being a Jesuit in Renaissance Italy offers a new lens on the history of spirituality, identity, and global exchange in the Renaissance. What emerges is a kind of genetic code—a thread connecting the key Jesuit works to the first generations of Jesuits and the Society of Jesus as it exists today.

Date: Dec 6, 2022
Hours: 17:30
Organizer: History and Cultural Heritage of the Church
Category: Book Presentation
Room: 007 - Frascara

Pontificia Università Gregoriana
Piazza della Pilotta, 4
I-00187 Roma

Registration of participants is required. Deadline is 10 p.m. on Nov. 30. Live streaming is not provided.

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