IL CORPO fra creatività e limiti

  • IL CORPO fra creatività e limiti

IL CORPO fra creatività e limiti

Who is the human person? How does bodiliness relate to the human spirit? These are burning questions in our culture today and themes of the deepest signifiance for Christian theology. This theme of "anthropology" is cross-cutting through all the subdisciplines of theology and, for the first time, all five Departments of the Faculty of Theology join together to reflect on this theme.


Date: Mar 14, 2024
Hours: From 09:00 To 17:00
Organizer: Faculty of Theology
Category: Conference
Room: Aula Magna

Pontificia Università Gregoriana
Piazza della Pilotta, 4
I-00187 Roma

Participants are not required to register.

Faculty of Theology
Phone +390667015262-5339
[email protected]