Initiatives in refugee & migrant education

  • Initiatives in refugee & migrant education

Initiatives in refugee & migrant education

An international gathering of university administrators, faculty, and education practitioners as well as leaders of NGO’s, international agencies, and humanitarian organizations who are committed to enhancing and expanding educational opportunities for refugees and displaced peoples. The Conference is taking place at a time of tremendous disruption and major challenges. Among the topics to be considered in presentations and workshops:


Post-pandemic: what have we learned? How/if we will return to normalcy?
How have we grown? How will we approach the future?
The Impact of Covid 19 on refugees’ education


How can we better understand the root causes of forced migration?
Best practices in amplifying refugee voices
Educating about refugees and their education


The conference is designed to allow ample time for networking & collaboration
How to respond to today's crisises (Ukraine and others)
Explore collaborative initiatives, opportunities, ideas.

Date: from Sep 26, 2022 to Sep 28, 2022
Organizer: Faculty of Social Sciences
Category: Conference
Room: Aula Magna

Pontificia Università Gregoriana
Piazza della Pilotta, 4
I-00187 Roma

September 26 - Aula Magna
September 27-28 - Sala Loyola

This event requires mandatory registration, dead-line for registration: September 23, 2022.

Participants have been granted a private audience with Pope Francis on the 29th September at 9:00am. If you would like to attend, keep that morning and early afternoon free, and plan your travels accordingly.

There is a participation fee of:

  • € 250 for in-person attendance
  • € 50 for on-line attendance.

If the registration fee presents an obstacle to your attendance please allow us to assist you with some scholarship funds that donors have made available. Contact: [email protected]

For further information please contact RME Network: [email protected]