La Santa Sede, gli Stati Uniti e le relazioni internazionali durante il pontificato di Pio XII

  • La Santa Sede, gli Stati Uniti e le relazioni internazionali durante il pontificato di Pio XII

La Santa Sede, gli Stati Uniti e le relazioni internazionali durante il pontificato di Pio XII

Edited by Roberto Regoli and Matteo Sanfilippo

The volume La Santa Sede, the United States and International Relations during the Pontificate of Pius XII, edited by Roberto Regoli and Matteo Sanfilippo, Studium 2022, is presented, with contributions by Philippe Chenaux, Paolo Valvo, András Fejérdy, Nina Valbousquet, Giovanni Coco, Luca Carboni, Giuseppe U. M. Lo Bianco, Susanna De Stradis, Giovanni Terragni, Matteo Sanfilippo and Roberto Regoli and a preface by Kathleen Sprows Cummings.

The United States and the Holy See are two world powers, with a planetary vocation. The quantum leap in their relationship occurred at the time of World War II and the Cold War, when they could no longer ignore each other or look at each other from afar. They decided to cooperate, and on a planetary level. This was the time of Presidents Roosevelt, Truman and Eisenhower and Pope Pius XII. Their international relations touched dossiers covering the most diverse areas of the world, from Europe to the Middle East, from Latin America to the Far East, and the most diverse areas, from politics to church affairs, from war refugees to migration. This volume presents the most up-to-date historiographical reflection on their relations and initial archival considerations from the papers known with the recent opening of the Holy See archives relating to the pontificate of Pius XII (1939-1958).

Date: Nov 7, 2022
Hours: 18:00
Organizer: History and Cultural Heritage of the Church
Category: Book Presentation
Room: C012

Pontificia Università Gregoriana
Piazza della Pilotta, 4
I-00187 Roma

Registration required by noon on 6/11/2022, for in-person participation only

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