Tra labirinti e biblioteche - Mimesis di Erich Auerbach

  • Tra labirinti e biblioteche - Mimesis di Erich Auerbach

Tra labirinti e biblioteche - Mimesis di Erich Auerbach

I grandi libri della tradizione cristiana

Jean-Louis Ska, professor at the Pontifical Biblical Institute and one of the greatest exegetes of the First Testament, presents one of the main masterpieces of 20th century literary criticism. It is a collection of essays by E. Auerbach, published in 1946. The author aims to demonstrate how Western literature is the flowering of two roots, the Greek-Latin and the Bible. If the first is marked by the distinction between the different styles, the second is a literature of vindictive and peasant, in which the heroes belong to all classes and genres are mixed. From here comes "Western realism, as an expression of the changes in the perception of reality by men", as the original subtitle of "Mimesis" reads.

Date: Oct 22, 2019
Hours: From 17:30 To 19:00
Organizer: Alberto Hurtado Centre for Faith and Culture
Category: The Gregorian Tuesdays
Room: C008

Pontificia Università Gregoriana
Piazza della Pilotta, 4
00187 Roma

Tel: +39 06 6701 5193
Tel: +39 06 6701 5449
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