Issue 104/1 (2023) of the magazine “Gregorianum” is available, quarterly published by the Gregorian University.


Fabrizio Ficco, Davide: eroe epico? Un motivo letterario comune all’Iliade e a 1Sam 17

Abstract - In the light of the studies that have been produced on the related subjects of 1Sam 17 and Greek literature, this article examines the similarities between the characterization of Patroclus in the Iliad and the description of David in 1 Sam 17. The Homeric hero is a brave and generous warrior; however, he is unable to replace Achilles and therefore fails in battle. David, too, is described in 1 Sam 17 as a young and inexperienced fighter who cannot walk wearing Saul’s armour; nonetheless, this incapacity does not impede his victory in battle. David accepts the challenge of the Philistine, because he does not solely rely on himself, like Goliath, but he puts his trust in God. Therefore, he is capable of recognising the complex interconnection of God’s might and human freedom which together determines history, manifesting an extraordinary wisdom.

Keywords: Patroclus – Iliad – David – Goliath – 1Sam 17 – theology of trust


Zbigniew Kubacki, S.I., Penser la foi au mystère de l’Incarnation dans la perspective de la théologie de Joseph Moingt

Abstract - The purpose of the article is to revisit critically the three majors works of Joseph Moingt on the theme of the Incarnation (L’homme qui venait de Dieu publié [1993], Dieu qui vient à l’homme [2005] et Croire au Dieu qui vient [2014]). On the one hand, it aims to reconstruct Joseph’s Moingt argument with his main articulations, and on the other hand, it tries to underline the development of his thought and the changes in approach between these three books. Because a synthetic presentation would risk losing the aspect of evolution and change, the exposition of the theology of Joseph Moingt on the theme of the Incarnation in these three books is done successively. In conclusion, some questions and critical remarks are formulated.

Keywords: Trinity – Incarnation – Word of God – Jesus – Hypostatic Union – Joseph Moingt


José Manuel Salgado, La reflexión magisterial sobre la Iglesia como sacramento. Del Sínodo de 1985 a la actualidad

Abstract - The Church-sacrament notion is a current ecclesiological category that helps to

solve debated issues in the field of Ecclesiology. The first time that the magisterium of the Church uses it is in the Second Vatican Council. It has been assuming it as a fully valid ecclesiological notion in the later magisterium. Since the Extraordinary Synod of 1985, the notion of communion has been gaining ground in reflection on the Church. But, as can be seen in a particular way in the pontificate of Saint John Paul II and in various official documents of the Holy See, the denomination of the Church as a sacrament has continued to be present. This notion has been invoked especially to clarify the relationship of the Church with the Holy Spirit, with the Eucharist and with the Salvation.

Keywords: Church – Sacrament – Salvation


Tyler Pellegrin, The Influence of Henri de Lubac on Gaudium et Spes

Abstract - Henri de Lubac is one of the most influential Catholic theologians of the twentieth century. This article argues that de Lubac’s theological influence extends deeply into the Second Vatican Council, and in particular on the Council’s Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World: Gaudium et Spes. First, it engages heavily with de Lubac’s 1938 work Catholicism, because it anticipates and even directly influences Gaudium et Spes. The second part of the article carefully traces de Lubac’s activity at the Council. The historical data from his own notebooks and letters written during the Council, coupled with the testimony of others who were closely involved with him, lead us to expect de Lubac’s influence on many parts of Gaudium et Spes. The historical data presented here seems strong enough to overcome the burden of proof required to say that de Lubac is a serious influence upon the document. This is followed by a brief discussion of de Lubac’s vigilance after the Council.

Keywords: Henri de Lubac – Second Vatican Council – Gaudium et SpesCatholicism


Ignazio Genovese, Ultimi cori per la Terra Promessa. L’interiorità della fede: dinamismo teologico e orizzonte letterario

Abstract - This paper aims to revisit some themes of the poetics of Ungaretti (1888-1970), Quasimodo (1901-1968) and Montale (1896-1981) in the light of the spirit that animates contemporary religious feeling: secularization. In addition, this essay attempts to relate the advent of secularization to the affirmation, deeply rooted in Italian literary conventions of the twentieth century, of the interiority of faith as opposed to its external manifestation. Thus, starting from the Rahnerian dialectic of “experience of God” versus “religious experience”, we will try to review the panorama of Italian poetry of the last century by focusing on the images and ideas of three of its most significant authors, mentioned above.

Keywords: Theology – secularisation – faith – Ungaretti – Quasimodo – Montale


Gerard Whelan, S.I., A Method for Journeying Together: Synodality in the light of Bernard Lonergan’s Method in Theology

Abstract - This article is intended as an introduction to a dossier of four articles that celebrates the fifty-year anniversary of the publication of Bernard Lonergan’s Method in Theology by relating this to current theological reflection on a synodal Church. Beginning with an overview of what Pope Francis means by synodality, it comments on the relevance for synodality of Lonergan’s prior work, Insight: A Study of Human Understanding. It then discusses key themes in Method in Theology, in a way that anticipates themes that are treated in more depth by the other articles in this dossier. Themes that emerge include the importance of understanding dialectic method in terms of encounter and dialogue; and the ability of a theological method based on functional specialisation to satisfy the concerns of conservative Catholics who, at present, tend to oppose the teaching of Pope Francis.

Keywords: Conversion – emergent probability – dialectic method – discernment – encounter – dialogue – perspectivism – relativism – doctrines


Ivo Coelho, SDB, On the Road to Method in Theology: Lonergan’s Breakthrough to Functional Specialties

Abstract - The road from Bernard Lonergan’s Insight (1957) to his Method in Theology (1972) passes through an appropriation of existential interiority and the overcoming of elements of classicist elements in theology to arrive at the breakthrough, in 1965, to the notion of theological method as differentiated into eight functional specialities, corresponding to a doubling of the four levels of conscious intentionality. At the core of this method are the two functional specialities, dialectic and foundations, which pivot on intellectual, moral and religious conversion to make the shift from theology in oratione obliqua to theology in oratione recta. Dialectic and foundations make possible a theological method that might well be described as empirical and open to all-comers, precisely because they deal with the horizons that undergird radical conflicts. The implementation of the method calls for the development of a new set of skills, instrumentalities and institutions. Given that dialectic begins as an encounter between subjects-as-objects but flowers into one between subjects-as-subjects, we have a MET-‘ODOS that is, on multiple levels, a SYN-‘ODOS.

Keywords: Lonergan – theological method – dialectic – dialogue – synodality


Agnès Desmazières, La conversione come fondazione della sinodalità: Testimoniare l’unità della fede nella pluralità delle teologie

Abstract - Lonergan’s Method in Theology represents a milestone for a reconciliation between theological pluralism and the unity of faith by stressing that theological pluralism itself witnesses the unity of faith, incarnated, and concretized in the diversity of human reality. At the same time, however, the Jesuit theologian offers a key-distinction between a cultural pluralism, which exists de facto and should be assumed as a wealth for the Church, and a pluralism caused by the lack of conversion, which threatens the unity of faith. This insight has relevance for reflection on a synodal Church. In this perspective, conversion – religious, as well as moral, and intellectual – should be at the heart of the synodal dynamics, as it allows the opening of new shared horizon of authentic encounter and dialogue, in the unity of faith.

Keywords: Synodality – conversion – pluralism – cultures – method



Julio L. Martínez, S.I., Desafíos de la epistemología teológico-moral a la luz de Method in Theology y del Magisterio del papa Francisco

Abstract - This article shows the great usefulness of Method in Theology to making fruitful the calls of Pope Francis to renew with determination the structure of knowledge and the method of moral theology, in the path opened by the Second Vatican Council and taking into account “historical consciousness” and “authenticity” in the Lonerganian way, that is, conscious and intentional openness to experience, in all its complexity, and continuous conversion towards the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is about facing border issues, courageously going out to encounter people with their searches and sufferings, trying to ensure that no one feels rejected by the Church, and practicing efficient modes of inter-transdisciplinary dialogue and prudential deliberation in which objectivity (not objectivism) is the result of authentic subjectivity, i.e., of genuine attention, intelligence, reasonableness and responsibility. All this in order to find paths of participation, dialogue and mission in which the encounter between the living Spirit and human experience makes possible to discern the will of God in the concreteness of life, and to respond with the help of grace and in the midst of limits.

Keywords: Authenticity – theological-moral epistemology – transcendental method – discernment – human experience – inter-transdisciplinarity – objectivity – synodality




Biblia: P. Merlo, Storia di Israele e Giuda nell’Antichità (N. Calduch Benages), 215-216; B. U. Schipper, The Hermeneutics of Torah. Proverbs 2, Deuteronomy, and the Composition of Proverbs 1–9 (N. Calduch Benages), 217-218; J. Sievers – A.-J. Levine, I farisei (E. Noffke), 218-220; R. Egger Wenzel, ed., A Polyglot Edition of the Book of Ben Sira with a Synopsis of the Hebrew Manuscripts (C. Obeid), 220-222; S. Pinto, Sapienza. Nuova versione, introduzione e commento (N. Calduch Benages), 222-223.


Theologia: P. Carlotti, La coscienza morale cristiana (L. Lunardon), 224-225; P. Grassi – R. Zammit, ed., La bioetica e i cinque sensi. Tra pratica clinica e metafore (J. Ďačok), 226-228; A. Matabosh Soler, El consejo mundial de Iglesia (1910-2021). Hacia la unidad perdida (W. Henn), 228-230.


Ius Canonicum: J. Pujol Soler – R. Montes De Oca Valero, Trasparenza e segreto nella Chiesa Cattolica (D. Astigueta), 230-232.


Spiritualitas: G. Trapasso, Uomo, religione, sacro, rito, comunità in un cambiamento d’epoca (A. P. Ramalho), 232-234.



J. Azetsop – P. Conversi, ed., Foundations of Integral Ecology, 235.

