Issue 104/2 (2023) of the magazine “Gregorianum” is available, quarterly published by the Gregorian University.



Andrea Lamonaca, L’utilizzo del cedro del Libano nella Bibbia e la metafora forestale di Sal 92,13-15

Abstract - The use of cedar of Lebanon in the Bible is examined from a multidisciplinary point of view: biblical interpretation is integrated with forest data. An update on the use of cedar in antiquity in Mediterranean context is presented. A classification of how cedar is mentioned in the Bible on the basis of certain forestry elements is proposed: the two major classes of reference are timber and standing tree. The model developed for forest metaphor in Ps 92 is an example of integration between biblical interpretation and forest data. Such a synthesis makes it possible to approach the biblical text in an innovative way, looking for a key that deepens the symbolism of cedar of Lebanon in the Bible.

Keywords: Cedrus libani – Bible plants – Bible trees – forest attributes


Matthias Skeb, OSB, Das Hermeneutische Programm der frühen antiochenischen Psalmenexegese. Theodor von Mopsuestia als Schüler des Diodor von Tarsus

Abstract - Theodore of Mopsuestia was a student of Diodore of Tarsus in the Antiochene ἀσκητήριον and, like his master, he wrote a commentary on the Psalms. Diodore and Theodore do not limit themselves to literary exegesis within the horizon of Old Testament history, as has often been assumed. In their hermeneutical reflections, both authors are interested also in the relevance of the biblical text for later generations. In dealing with Gal 4:24, they develop a wider interpretation of the Scriptures (Diodore: θεωρία) that goes beyond the immediate literal sense and is in fact a comparative method. They specify this method in the exegesis of the Psalms by means of the philological technique of prosopological interpretation, by which the recipient of the Psalms identifies with the speaker of the Psalms and thus brings out their relevance. In this way, a procedure of ancient philology becomes a theological method.

Keywords: Exegesis – Antiochene School – Diodore of Tarsus – Theodore of Mopsuestia – Ethopoeia – Prosopopoeia – Rhetoric – Relevance – Gal 4,24 – Theoria – Comparison – Allegory – Philology


Francisco García Martínez, La mistagogía de Jesús. Encontrar a Dios en el propio cuerpo

Abstract - The article addresses the problem of Christological access from God to the world and from the world to God through human corporeality. In the midst of a culture that has secularized the sense of God, this perspective is seen as a mystagogic possibility with the ability to overcome this obstacle without falling into a proposal for a God that is heterogeneous and alternative to the world. To do this, the reflection focuses on the experience that Jesus has of his own body as fundamental place of access and relationship with God and of his revelation to the world.

Keywords: christology – incarnation – body – mystagogy


Wellistony Carvalho Viana, ‘Relação causal’: Uma interconexão entre fatos primos disposicionais

Abstract - The metaphysics of causation deals with two basic questions, namely 1) what entities are involved in causation and 2) what is the nature of the causal relation. The present paper will deal only with the second question, initially analyzing two prevailing theories, namely probability theory and process theory, in order to propose a solution to their problems through a dispositional theory based on the theoretical framework of Structural-Systematic Philosophy (SSP). In SSP, causal connection can be understood as a transmission or persistence of prime facts within a causal configuration. The advantage of this conception constitutes the dissolution of several impasses in theories of causation, such as those of preemption and disconnection. Moreover, the difficulty of the “ontological gaps” between cause and effect in certain causal structures (think of psychophysical interactions) can be easily overcome the moment the ontological variety of dispositional prime facts finds unity in the dimension of beings or Entitivity, which constitutes one of the dimensions of Being as such and as a whole.

Keywords: causality – fact – dispositional theory – ontology – Puntel


Giannicola Maraglino, Il fastidio dell’assurdo: come pensare l’impensabile? Il «post-teismo» tra cristianesimo e religione. Annotazioni per una lettura inusuale

Abstract - This contribution is bolstered by a renewed interest in theology. Today, even in not strictly ecclesial areas, we must ask ourselves about theology’s place in the “Western event” where the history of thought is a progressive awareness. This “twilight”, “evening”, “decadent”, more specifically “western” awareness is the most substantial difficulty to which any contemporary theological reflection should devote itself: as it is one of the Western world’s constitutive directions, one understands the attempt at philosophical and theological rethinking adhering to a necessary quantum paradigm shift.

Keywords: Christianity – Religion – Post-theism – Absolute


Francesco Luigi Gallo, L’allineamento dei cuori nelle relazioni d’aiuto. L’empatia nelle pratiche psicoterapeutiche

Abstract - In this study, the author presents the transversal relevance of the theme of empathy in the various therapeutic directions. As the ultimate foundation of human relationality, empathy is considered an essential resource for any helping relationship (from Rogersian counseling to phenomenological psychiatry) which intends to recognize an existential meaning to inner suffering, keeping at a distance any temptation for neurobiological reductionism. The psychotherapeutic relationship is therefore understood by the author as an authentic paradigm of every relationship that values the person regardless of any other condition of diversity, impairment or suffering.

Keywords: Empathy – psychotherapy dialogue – C. Rogers – clinical empathy – phenomenological psychiatry


Jonas Matheus Sousa da Silva, São Boaventura: Itinerarium mentis in Deus, De triplice via e Legenda Sancti Francisci no ciclo franciscano de Giotto e na Commedia de Dante

Abstract - This presentation of St. Francis by St. Bonaventure related to his spiritual writings and what they have in common with the Legenda Sancti Francisci, of Dante’s Commedia and Giotto’s Franciscan cycle. It presents the status quaestionis of medieval aesthetics and St. Bonaventure, followed by all of the saint ̓s works. It highlights the syntheses of the Itinerarium mentis in Deus work and De tríplice via, followed by the historical context of the composition of the Legenda Sancti Francisci. It demonstrates the reception of the Bonaventurian writings in Giotto’s Franciscan cycle and in Dante’s Commedia, highlighting the figure of the saint of Assis in the works of these Italian masters.

Keywords: St. Francis – St. Bonaventure – Giotto – Dante


Francesco Saracino, Paolo Veronese e gli angeli della visione

Abstract - The imaginary visions that have involved Christians over the centuries need to be considered from perspectives that take into account the tradition and anthropological condition of our day. Starting from one of the masterpieces of Venetian painting of the sixteenth century, the Saint Helena by Paolo Veronese, these pages illustrate the theme of the angels who are at the origin of visionary imaginations as it was elaborated by the theologians of the past.

Keywords: Visions – imagination – angels – Paolo Veronese – Saint Helena


Bibbia e Narrativa spirituale al femminile: J. Clark-Soles, Women in the Bible. Interpretation Resources for the Use of Scripture in the Church (N. Calduch- Benages), 433-434; E. Rasy, Dio ci vuole felici. Etty Hillesum o della giovinezza (C. Caiazza), 435-436.




Biblia: M. Girolami, Il giorno degli inizi. Un percorso biblico e storico per riscoprire la domenica (P. Rocca), 437-439; E. R. Ruiz, ed., 80 años de exégesis bíblica en América Latina: Actas del Congreso Internacional de Estudios Bíblicos organizados con ocasión del 80º aniversario de Revista Bíblica (T. García-Huidobro), 439-441; M. Settembrini, Gerusalemme e il suo messia. Teologia e poesia in Isaia profeta (L. Lepore), 441-444.

Theologia: J. M. Ciraulo, The Eucharistic Form of God. Hans Urs von Balthasar’s Sacramental Theology (J. Servais), 444; J. C. Pech, Paradox und Wahrheit. Henri de Lubac und Joseph Ratzinger im gnadentheologischen Gespräch (J. Servais), 445; S. Sueiro, La fecundidad del cristocentrismo, El discernimento teológico de Henri de Lubac sobre la posteridad espiritual de Joaquín de Fiore (J. Servais), 446-447.

Ius Canonicum: S. Engler, Mangelnder Glaube und Ehewille (M. Ambros), 447-449; C. J. Errázuriz, Chiesa e diritto. Saggi sui fondamenti del diritto nella Chiesa (M. Visioli), 449-450.

Historia Ecclesiae: A. Borremeo – P. Piatti – H. E. Weidinger, ed., Europa Cristiana e Impero Ottomano. Momenti e problematiche (A. Molnár), 450-452; C. Russell, Being a Jesuit in Renaissance Italy. Biographical Writing in the Early Global Age (P. Oberholzer), 452-453.

Spiritualitas: A. Toniolo – A. Steccanella, ed., Le parrocchie del futuro. Nuove presenze di Chiesa (S. Palumbo), 453-455.



S. Brodeur – M. C. Giannini – N. da S. Gonçalves, Ripensare Bellarmino tra teologia, filosofia e storia, 456; R. D’Ambrosio, C’è sempre un dopo. Riflessioni su post-pandemia e guerra in Ucraina, 457; S. J. J. Mendonsa, Alasdair MacIntyre’s Views and Biological Ethics: Exploring the Consistency, 457-458.


