Issue 104/3 (2023) of the magazine “Gregorianum” is available, quarterly published by the Gregorian University.




Roland Meynet, S.I., Les Cinq Rouleaux. Quintette féminin

Abstract - Each of the Five Scrolls is composed according to the laws of biblical rhetoric; so is the organic whole that they constitute, where each of the books is linked to the others by very close relationships. The one that dominates is the presence of women: Ruth and Esther at the ends of the collection, but also the one of the Song of Songs and the figure of Jerusalem, the abandoned widow, in Lamentations. And at the center of the collection, the invitation of Qohelet resounds: “See life with the woman you love”. These Five Scrolls constitute a critical rereading of the original narratives that could shed light on the current debate on the role of women in the Catholic Church.

Keywords: The Five Scrolls – biblical rhetoric – typology – woman     


Henryk Pietras, S.I., Fonti sulla condanna di Ario a Nicea nel 325

Abstract - The news about Ario’s condemnation at Nicaea and his exile comes from HE from the 5th century, but all of it can be traced back to the letters contained in the so-called ‘appendix’ to the De decretis. It was ‘canonised’ by Opitz in his edition of Athanasius’ work and passed off as authentic, moreover, composed by Athanasius himself. The various documents even received in the critical edition of Athanasius Werke the continuous numbers of De decr. from 33 to 42, creating no little confusion. These documents, full of anachronisms, seem to have been composed only after the death of Athanasius, who made not the slightest allusion to them. The situation in Alexandria had then become very difficult for the Nicenes, because the Church had passed into the hands of the omei, and various riots and acts of violence had occurred in the city. In order to encourage Peter’s return to Alexandria, authoritative letters would have been needed, perhaps signed by the lamented emperor and revered as a great benefactor of the Church, from which it would be clear that the only one who was right in the fight in defence of the faith and for the unity of the Church in Egypt was Athanasius, whose legitimate successor Peter was.

Keywords: Nicaea (325) – Arius – Athanasius – Eusebius – Constantine


Kurt Mizzi, O.Carm., Synodality Constitutive of the Church: Commemorating the Centenary of B. Xiberta’s  Clavis Ecclesiae

Abstract - In commemoration of the centenary of B. Xiberta’s Clavis Ecclesiae, this article proposes to read the text in the context of the contemporary debate on synodality. Clavis Ecclesiae’s ecclesiological intention is first established and some of the ecclesiological elements therein analysed. Reference is then also made to Xiberta’s later ecclesiological and sacramental writings in order to assess whether the ecclesiologic-sacramental logic developed by Xiberta can contribute in any way to the contemporary reflection on synodality. Xiberta can contribute to contemporary reflection on synodality not only through the ecclesiology he develops, but also highlighting the anthropological significance of synodality and in theologically grounding the claim that synodality is constitutive of the Church.

Keywords: Clavis Ecclesiae – Xiberta – PotestasRes et SacramentumSynodality                              


Cyril Orji, Tribal Trifling in the Theology of Grace: a Historical and Systematic Repositioning

Abstract - In the tribal world of grace fandom, Post-Reformation theology is overburdened with sectarian trifling, engendering a Catholic versus a Protestant way of thinking about grace. Even Roman Catholicism that clearly derives its teaching from the Summa of St. Thomas Aquinas has a history of divisive intra-tribal war on grace between two parties deriving their oeuvres on grace from some competing texts of St. Thomas. It came to a headlong in the 17th century and lasted up to the years leading to the Second Vatican Council— between the Jesuits and the Dominicans, engendering a Jesuit versus a Dominican way of thinking about grace. The history of the Church, at least from the time of St. Augustine to the present, attests that counterpositions on the nature of grace put the truth of the Christian doctrine at risk and lead to a number of pastoral problems that harm the life of the Church. The paper examines these issues in the light of insights drawn from Bernard Lonergan who himself had to confront the Catholic intra-tribal bickering on grace. His insights can help Christians come to terms with the limitations of our ways of conceiving God’s relationship with the world. More importantly, they make us aware that Christian doctrinal development of God’s activity with rational creature is not linear, but one of evolution and development. The conclusion drawn is that understanding Christian doctrinal development and evolution in the light of the distinction Lonergan made between what he technically calls “stages of meaning” holds the key to resolving the tribal impasse that hinders our ways of understanding this special instance of God’s gift of love.

Keywords: Theology of Grace – Nature-Grace – Sin-Grace – Bernard Lonergan


Rogelio García Mateo, S.I., Ignacio de Loyola, lo místico y lo teológico

Abstract - Mystical experience and philosophical-theological reflection have been and still are considered two dimensions that are difficult to connect and therefore treated separately. This has been the case with how the thought and work of the saint of Loyola has been considered, without taking into serious consideration his approximately 13 years of university training. In the present article, an attempt is made to revise this approach, starting with the characteristics of contemplation according to Aquinas (whose Summa Ignatius knew), and then applying them to Ignatius' experiences, in particular the “illustration” of the Cardoner River in Manresa.

Keywords: Ignatius of Loyola – mysticism – theology



Stanisław Morgalla, S.I., Nota introduttiva


Amedeo Cencini, F.D.C.C., «Chi ti ha fatto sapere che eri nudo?». Dal Mistero del cor inquietum Dei al mistero del cor inquietum hominis

Abstract - The dramatic words-questions from God addressed to man after sin are read in this study from a psychological perspective. This study reads them in the light, then, of a category that is psychological, that of the mystery, which sees man as always reaching out beyond, beyond what he feels, desires, fears, says, loves..., beyond even his sin, as in this case, and which makes him fundamentally restless, just as Augustine thought, until he rests in God: man as a finite being, infinitely unsatisfied, attracted by the infinite. But the surprising thing is that this reading of the human reaches, albeit indirectly, an intuition of a corresponding restlessness in the heart of the Eternal One, who has always – from the very beginning – sought out man, even when he distances himself from him, like a lover, not wanting to lose him. It is the heart of God that is divinely restless until it rests in that of man. And we are at the highest and most luminous point of the mystery!

Keywords: Mystery – anthropology – theology – restlessness – enigma – mystagogy – nakedness – abuse – docibilitas (indocibilitas)                 


Giovanni Cucci, S.I., Post-umano e Trans-umano: l’antropologia del futuro?             

Abstract - Technological and pharmaceutical discoveries and research continue to stimulate philosophical reflection, outlining new scenarios. One of these is the so-called “transhuman and posthuman movement.” It has long been the focus of media attention. However, various understandings of the two terms and what differentiates them pose some difficulties. Depending on the authors and their fields of expertise, the perspectives presented vary considerably, a sign of the fluidity that increasingly characterizes today’s cultural landscape. Above all, the gap between the vagueness of the proposal and its growing popularity and diffusion in literature, comics, films and video games, university courses, academic and popular publications is striking. This contribution presents its main characteristics, and the possible repercussions at an anthropological, ethical, economic and political level.

Keywords: transhuman – posthuman – body – health – power – biotechnology


Babu Sebastian, C.M.F., The Tragic Man of Heinz Kohut: A Brief exploration of the psychological anthropology of Psychoanalytic Self Psychology        

Abstract - Every psychological theory contains within its central postulates implicit assumptions about human nature and its condition. This article attempts to bring to light the underlying psychological anthropology informing the theory of psychoanalytic self psychology proposed by the noted psychoanalyst Heinz Kohut. Self psychology is a psychoanalytical theory that concerns itself with the development, organization, and sustenance of the self in an empathic milieu and with the consequent limits on the development of the self in the form of disorders of the self in the absence of empathic responsiveness. Using the constructs of Tragic Man, selfobject relating, empathy and openness of the self to the transcendent, we attempt to delineate the understanding of the human person that informs the central psychological postulates in the theory of psychoanalytic self psychology.

Keywords: Tragic Man – Selfobject – Empathy – Self-transcendence – psychological  anthropology                                                                                      


Joyce, Aristotle, and Aquinas: O'Rourke, Fran, Joyce, Aristotle, and Aquinas (K. L. Flannery), 665-668.

Iscrizione e rivelazione: P. Sequeri, Iscrizione e rivelazione. Il canone testuale della parola di Dio (G. De Virgilio), 668-671.




Biblia: The Oxford Handbook of the Pentateuch (M. Settembrini), 673-674; G. Werndorfer, La Bible de Rachi. III. Les prophètes 2/2 (M. Settembrini), 674-676; L.-S. Tiemeyer, ed., The Oxford Handbook of Isaiah (M. Settembrini), 676-678; I. Wilson, Praying to the Temple: Divine Presence in Solomon's Prayer (F. Martins), 678-680.

Theologia: P. Becker – M. Schlosser, – P. B. Wodrazka, ed., John Henry Newman: Welt Gottes und Wahrheit des Menschen (A. Pidel), 680-683; P. Carlotti, Magistero e teologia morale nel postconcilio (F. Castiglia), 683-685; S. Tautz, Radikale Sakramentalität. William T. Cavanaughs politische Theologie der Eucharistie im Gespräch mit radikaldemokratischer Theorie der Macht (M. Vicentini), 685-687.

Philosophia: A. Delamare – A. Deudon – N. Depraz, ed., Le corps en émoi (A. L. Montoya Jaramillo), 687-688; W. J. Talbott, Learning from Our Mistakes: Epistemology for the Real World (J. Stoffers), 689-690.


Historia Ecclesiae: G. Avarucci, Registrum Scripturarum della Procura Generale dell'Ordine Cappuccino 1761-1768 (T. K. Mantyk), 691; D. Burkard – J. Bürkle, ed., Konzil in der Perspektive. Heribert Schauf und sein Tagebuch zum II. Vaticanum (1960 1965), (F. Sobiechv), 692-693; V. Criscuolo, Acta Ordinis. Tabulae Capitulorum Generalium Fratrum Minorum Capuccinorum II 1625-1671 (T. K. Mantyk), 693-694; J. Ernesti, Friedensmacht. Die vatikanische Außenpolitik seit 1870 (K. Schtaz), 695-698; A. Mazetti Petersson, A Cuture for the Christian Commonwealth. Antonio Possevino, Authority, History, and the Venetian Interdict (O. S. Damian), 698-700; K. Plamen Kartaloff, Identità europea e radici cristiane. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studio Veliko Tarnovo, 26 maggio 2018 (I. Damian), 700-701.

Spiritualitas: C. Masson, Pauline Jaricot. Laïque et sainte (E. Panato), 702-703.



