Year after year, Gregorianum offers an increasing number of publications dealing with common themes. Under the direction of Karl Becker, S.I. (professor of dogmatic theology) since 1972/1, the work of the International Commission of Theology (C.I.T., whose final texts are often published in Gregorianum) gives the opportunity to deepen some issues, for example the one that, among others, the decree Dignitatis Humanae of Vatican II focuses: the files 1984/3-4 in fact publish the preliminary reports submitted to the C.I.T., in December 1983, on Human Dignity and Human Rights: the final text of the Commission will be published in 1985/1. Jacques Dupuis, S.I. (famous theologian of intrerreligious dialogue), director of Gregorianum since 1985/2, continues the same policy. For example, the preparation of the synod of bishops on the laity, held at the end of 1987, calls for the publication, in dossiers 1987/1-2, of some works by professors of the Gregorian that point in the direction of the theme of the synod, the results of which will be set out in the apostolic letter Christifideles laici signed by John Paul II on 30 December 1988. Some other events, within the Gregorian, suggest the publication of some other "dossier". For example, in 1992/4 we can read a series of articles originating from the academic act of the University celebrated on 10 March 1992 on the theme "Exegesis between theology and practice". In 1997/4, a colloquium was published organized on the occasion of the centenary of the birth of Card. Henry de Lubac, S.I. (criticized as cordially as he was strongly criticized by Boyer in 1947/3, 1948/4 and 1967/1). In the 2001/3 issue, the reports proposed during the study days "Face of Christ, face of man" organized in relation to the Holy See on the occasion of the advent of the third millennium are presented. A colloquium on "French philosophers and theologians of the 20th century" was published in 2002/3. Since 2003, under the direction of Paul Gilbert, S.I. (professor of metaphysics), Gregorianum has regularly presented groups of articles on different topics of interest to theology and philosophy, particularly considering the 40th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council.

The articles of the last 15 years no longer show, obviously, the uniform physiognomy that the first files had, at the time of the scholasticism. We present the current situation with reference to the authors who have published at least 4 basic articles. Positive theology studies are not lacking; however, they have been enriched with recent historical methods. The research of the exegetes of the house is determined, even if Gregorianum does not claim to equalize Biblica, the magazine of the Biblical Institute of Via della Pilotta, in other words his neighbor; the articles of Roland Meynet, S.I., for example, offer the author the opportunity to specify his method of rhetorical analysis. The patrological publications of Antonio Orbe, S.I., Gilles Pelland, S.I. and Luis Ladaria, S.I., are a reference. Rino Fisichella (currently bishop in Rome) has offered numerous articles that insist on the importance of philosophy for a righteous theology. In dogmatics, we point out the works of Angel Antón on the episcopate, of Jean Galot, S.I. on the Trinitarian mystery, of Michael John McDermott, S.I. on the analogy and parables, of Gerald O'Collins, S.I. on the theme of revelation, of John O'Donnell, S.I. on the transcendental approach in theology, by Felix-Alejandro Pa-stor, S.I. on God and deity, by Salvador Pié-Ninot in ecclesiology, by Peter C. Phan (Georgetown University) on religious pluralism. The moral theology was illustrated by Klaus Demmer, msc. The recent series of texts written by Jared Wicks, S.I. on the influence of Pieters Smulders, S.I. on Vatican II are important moments in the historical research on Vatican II. For the Ignatian spirit-tuality, we point out the works of Rogelio García Mateo, S.I.. Joseph Joblin, S.I. has written many texts on the social doctrine of the Church in the light of recent documents of the Holy See, which he knows very well after having spent years in Geneva as Vatican delegate to the International Labour Office. In philosophy, the magazine has received articles by James V. Schall (Georgetown University) in political philosophy, Rosanna Finamore on Lonergan and Rolf Kühn (professor in Vienna, phenomenologist very inspired by Michel Henry).

We haven't talked much about the reviews published in Gregorianum. This section of the magazine is, however, one of the most appreciated. It has been directed since 2004 by Norman Tanner, S.I. (professor of Church history, particularly ecumenical councils), Dr Simone D'Agostino (professor of metaphysics and semiotics) has been editorial secretary; the first editor with a formal title in the "Reviews" department, since 1972 (before, there were no appointments available), was Garth L. Hallett, S.I. (Wittgenstein specialist), then, since 1978, Maksimilijan Žitnik, S.I. (professor of sacramental theology); Dr Ilaria Morali was responsible for this section of the magazine from the end of 2002 to the beginning of 2004.

Reviews are the sole responsibility of the University lecturers, who therefore present the major positions, not always directly, but at least in the oblique way of a review. Currently, about thirty books, all of them high level, are reviewed in every issue of the magazine (so more or less 120 a year), a review covers every now and then more than one page. The section of the reviews is divided by subject: the different specializations of theology (biblical, dogmatic, patristic, moral, liturgical, etc.), philosophy, Church history, spirituality, etc.. It may happen that, from time to time, a part of the reviews carries out the office of the old Conspectus (for example, a department of the bibliography of the 2005/4 issue is entitled: "Council") - on the other hand, the "Note" section of the magazine, a section that is always alive, often has a task identical to that of the Conspectus of the past. After the reviews, two shorter sections follow, one of "Indications" (which are short reviews) and one of "Our Books", that is to say of presentation of the recent books written by the professors of the University and of which the tenor is decidedly university; the writings of our professors, being invited to address a varied public, not necessarily university, are not always reported by Gregorianum. In 1950 a volume of Indices generales was published, covering the first thirty years of the journal (lists of authors and their articles, books reviewed, plus an Index analyticus). In 1993, a new volume of Indices generales appeared, ranging from 1951 to 1993 (lists of articles by author, books reviewed, and a very detailed analytical index). The list of authors and articles from 1994 onwards is available, with summaries and a search engine, at the web address of the journal.

Pontificia Università Gregoriana                                                           Paul GILBERT, S.I. (27 aprile 2006)

Piazza della Pilotta, 4

00187 Roma

[email protected]


Having become Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Paul Gilbert, S.I. was replaced as editor of the magazine by Roland Meynet, S.I. (Emeritus Professor of Biblical Theology) as of November 15, 2011. Dr. Mirjam Kovač replaced Prof. Simone D'Agostino as editorial secretary on January 1, 2012.

On May 25, 2016 he was appointed editor of the journal Henryk Pietras, S.I., (professor of patristic theology) from December 1 of the same year.

On May 1, 2019, Ms. Eleonora Fioravanti Cinci Agricola took over the editorial office. 

The organisation of the reviews was modified in 2012. The responsibility is now distributed to about fifteen people, according to their fields of expertise, so a significant number of teachers at the University are involved in this service, always appreciated.


List of the magazine's directors


1. 1920:                       Giuseppe FILOGRASSI

2. 1920-1935:             Domenico Palermo LAZZARINI

3. 1935-1945:             Charles BOYER

4. 1945-1951:             Georges DELANNOYE

5. 1951-1954:             Zoltán ALSZEGHY

6. 1954-1958:             Filippo SELVAGGI

7. 1958-1968:             William VAN ROO

8. 1968-1971:             Peter HENRICI

9. 1971-1985:             Karl BECKER

10. 1985-2003:           Jacques DUPUIS

11. 2003-2011:           Paul GILBERT

12. 2011-2016:           Roland MEYNET

13.2016-                      Henryk Pietras