Instructions for the authors

Contributions should be sent by email to the AHP editorial office, to: [email protected] (specify in subject: Article proposal).

Contributions are accepted in the following languages: French, English, Italian, Spanish, German. The maximum number of characters to be used is 80,000, including notes (including spaces).

Articles are subject to an anonymous evaluation process by external consultants (peer blind review), see below.

Authors who submit an article to AHP for the first time must submit a brief curriculum vitae, not exceeding 900 characters in length (including spaces).

The approved article must be adapted by the authors to the editorial standards of the magazine AHP , downloadable at the end of this page, and sent by e-mail in Word format to the editorial staff. The version delivered by the author will be considered final. Authors must submit an article that does not exceed 500 characters (including spaces), in the language in which the article is written, with an English translation, if the article is written in French, Italian, Spanish, German.

Two corrections of drafts are envisaged to correct only any typos.

The authors of the articles are entitled to a hard copy of the published volume. Extracts will also be produced in PDF format for all authors of articles, notes and reviews.

Peer Review

The essays proposed for publication in the journal Archivum Historiae Pontificiae are previously submitted to the review of two anonymous referee, chosen from among the most competent scholars in the international field, for the specific topics of the articles to be examined.

Editorial Standards (Italian)