The curriculum of doctoral studies (Third Cycle) in Biblical Theology aims to train qualified professors and researchers in the field of biblical studies (New and Old Testament), capable of:

  • address and produce scholarly work so as to contribute to the advancement of research in the field of biblical studies;
  • to integrate and enhance the methodological skills and exegetical approaches learned during Licentiate; and
  • to engage with developments and new frontiers in contemporary biblical research, with perspectives from different cultural contexts.

Third Cycle is divided into:

  • Cursus ad doctoratum, up to the delivery of the Dissertation Topic
  • Schola doctoralis, during the first and second years
  • Research time, from the approved Dissertation Topic until the submission of the Project
  • Delivery and defense of the Dissertation

First-year Schola doctoralis (TSDB11, 1 ECTS)

The Schola doctoralis is a course proposed by the faculty members of the Department of Biblical Theology for those beginning their doctoral studies. The Schola is designed as a welcoming, orientation structure and is intended to facilitate entry into the Third Cycle by allowing the necessary foundations for mature research in the field of biblical theology to be strengthened.

The first-year program is divided into seven meetings, in which both the fundamentals on how to approach and develop a doctoral thesis will be offered, as well as the contributions necessary to achieve the objectives proper to the Third Cycle.

By expanding skills in this way, those enrolled in the first year of the Third Cycle will be able to acquire greater expertise and freedom in the choice and articulation of the topic.

The duration of the course is two semesters, punctuated by a monthly three-hour meeting. Sessions will begin in November and end in May. The dates and detailed schedule will be presented at the beginning of the academic year. Attendance is mandatory. See calendar

Second-year Schola doctoralis (TSDB21, 1 ECTS)

The second-year Schola doctoralis is a course that consists of three annual, seminar-style meetings centered on discussions between doctoral students and a number of experts in the field of biblical research. The sessions will be given to scholars in exegesis and biblical theology, members of the department or invited from other institutions.

The three annual meetings will last three hours each. The dates and detailed schedule will be presented at the beginning of the academic year. Attendance is mandatory for second-year doctoral students and remains open to all other enrolled Third Cycle students.

First year calendar:
Second year calendar: