Dissertazioni in corso

Dottorando U.A. Moderatore Titolo argomento Arg N. Approvato Rinnovato per
Patosa, Suzette Missiologia Schroeder Roger Explorations on the Lay-Religious Collaboration as a Missionary Expression: the case of the SVD-Lay Mission Partnership 348 23 gen 2023
Pavelova, Katarina Teologia Pedroli Luca The Son of Man lifted up (John 3:14) The pragmatic reinterpretation of the elevation of the serpent in the Gospel of John. 6865 16 nov 2020
Pawlik, Kamil Teologia Corkery James Romano Guardini and Pope Francis: the influence of Guardini's weltanschauung on the thought of Pope Francis, with special attention to the encyclical Laudato Si' 6981 15 mar 2023
Pawloski, Rebecca Teologia Corkery James Defense of the Paraclete. The Witness of Adult Survivors of Clerical Child Sexual Abuse and the Pneumatology of René Girard 6726 21 mar 2018 23 mar 2023 24
Pazzi, Bruno Scienze Sociali Lah Peter Teachers Internet use in Bahía Blanca, Argentina 485 3 nov 2022
Pemii, Bernardine Antropologia Vandewiele Wim Experiences of religion and spirituality as aid to recovery and reintegration among people affected by sexual abuse within a Catholic context in Ghana and Nigeria 2 23 mar 2023
Pérez De La Fuente Morales, Natalia Storia e Beni Culturali della Chiesa Dohna Schlobitten Yvonne Il percorso pedagogigo dell'arte religiosa contemporanea nei musei ecclesiastici 221 11 feb 2019 13 feb 2024 36
Pérez Laporta, Carlos Teologia Nitrola Antonio Leben aus dem Tod. La continuidad entre Orígenes y H.U. von Balthasar en la teología de la resurrección de los muertos. 6925 18 mar 2022
Pérez Sánchez, Elmer Fredy Teologia Babota Vasile «"No podrás ver mi rostro porque no me veráhombre y vivirá". Estudio textual y exegético-teológico a partir del diálogo de Moisés con Dios en Exodo 33,7-23» 6791 16 apr 2019 16 apr 2024 36
Pérez Vaquero, Florentino Spiritualità Vitali Dario El presbiterio y la personalidad presbiteral. Una sacramentalidad existencial en clave eclesiológica 606 21 mar 2024
39 di 52 Pagine totali